Thanks, everyone, for the replies!
Let me try to clarify several points--I now see that I should have written a number of paragraphs completely differently. I'm sorry about that, really.
(1) Some people seem to have thought they were defending my view (or expanding it) and others, that were attacking my view. But (if you'll read what I said) no part of my view is that we should change *Wikipedia* at all.
In particular, my central suggestion (and sorry if I wasn't clear about this) was *not* that we now try hard to design a Wikipedia-controlled article approval system. The idea is interesting, and it's something we've discussed a lot (especially last fall, I think). Presently, I am pretty much neutral on the idea; in fact, I'm leaning a bit against the notion. Nor was my suggestion that we find a new individual leader for *Wikipedia*. (I said not long ago that I didn't think we needed one.)
In my post, I used the terms "free encyclopedia movement" several times, to cover Wikipedia, Nupedia, and other similar projects extant and yet to come. Wikipedia is not coextensive with the free encyclopedia movement.
(2) In saying that most people weren't highly educated, I really *didn't* mean to insult anyone, and moreover, what I meant (but didn't express well) wasn't anything that anyone should feel insulted by. (Some people love to feel insulted, however. I'm one of 'em, so I understand.) What I meant to say was something strictly factual and uncontroversial. I should have said: "There aren't many bona fide experts, leaders in their fields, involved in Wikipedia right now." For example, I am not a bona fide expert about much of anything or leader in any of my "fields."
(3) My contention is that, for Wikipedia to succeed, we need experts *guiding* the *free encyclopedia movement* (notice the key words). This must happen sooner or later, but I think it's very plausible to think it must happen sometime if we're to succeed. Now, in saying this, I am *not* saying, or meaning to imply, that only experts can write credible articles. So it misses the point to insist strenuously that nonexperts can write and make great progress on encyclopedia articles: obviously, they can, and I'm sure I've said (and done!) so many times.
What I *am* saying is that, in the long run, unless a lot of experts are involved and unless there is a process that holds *some* portion of the free encyclopedia movement (not Wikipedia) up to extremely high standards, the overall project won't succeed in producing a credible encyclopedia. In some cases this might be because no one but an expert would be able to write (or rewrite) an article on a topic properly. In many more cases, it will be because no one but an expert will be able to edit, supervise, and otherwise whip into shape articles on subjects that many nonexperts think, but mistakenly, they can write adequately about. There are many such subjects, at least if we want to compare ourselves to actual reliable encyclopedias.
(4) I should have known better than not to spend at least a couple more paragraphs explaining that I do not have a fetish for formal qualifications. I agree absolutely completely 100% that it is totally possible for people who lack any sort of formal qualifications to write (and edit and code) wonderful creative works of all sorts. I also agree that this is at the heart of the success of the open source movement. But that mere possibility doesn't mean that we don't need a lot of experts *guiding* a quality control process that Wikipedia benefits from. Part of the irony in my title was precisely this point: the open source movement is full of all sorts of people with relatively few formal qualifications, and no one cares. But, IN FACT, the movement in general is guided by people who are a lot more expert in coding than the average Wikipedian is about what he or she writes about (and that couldn't be otherwise, given its success). There's nothing paradoxical about this--and it doesn't make the free software movement into a cathedral rather than a bazaar. It's a bazaar *guided* by expert coders. Kind of (but not entirely) like the stock market, a more or less free market, being guided by Wall Street gurus.
(5) I am not heralding the doom of Wikipedia, Daniel M., nor did I say (or mean to imply) that what Wikipedia does is futile, and I'm sorry if I wasn't clear about that. In fact, I think that, eventually, Wikipedia *will* get the loose direction (by example) it needs, by becoming an independent part of an open encyclopedia movement that includes an (also independent) expert-staffed review board. Part of the purpose of my post was to help move the movement in that direction.
(6) It is possible, as a few people seem to think, that by attracting many experts *to Wikipedia* (and continuing to forget that Nupedia ever happened) will result in the sort of excellent quality I hope we'll achieve. If that were to happen, I'd be delighted. (I don't expect it to happen; see (9) below. But it wasn't my suggestion. My suggestion was for Wikipedians to get behind a new or newly revitalized project (such as Nupedia), officially independent of Wikipedia, that would be managed by experts.
Roll out the red carpet. Create a structure that will make the elite feel welcome to be involved in a *leadership* role. Get universities involved, and major research institutions, and even businesses--just as is the case with the open source movement.
(This, by the way, doesn't mean that they would set the standards for *Wikipedia*. I would strongly oppose that; Wikipedia should be self-managing as it always has been. But Wikipedia articles are open content. They might manage a different project that uses Wikipedia content, as is their right. Wikipedia would hugely benefit if this happened.)
(7) Fred Bauder was right to point out that a lot of the people who could help *Wikipedia* most just won't put up with arguing with people who they think should be sitting down and taking notes. A college professor who has spent his life studying X would, at least in many cases, find it absurd and ludicrous that he should have to argue with someone about X who has maybe had a college course on the subject and read a few books. There are exceptions, but they are *really* exceptions, and be grateful for them. You might hate this attitude, but it's a fact of life. The free stuff movement (how's that for a name) might be fantastic and wonderful, but that doesn't mean it'll magically change this fact.
The free encyclopedia project--not Wikipedia, necessarily--needs these people. It's frankly a little silly to expect them to help us as long as we continue to be wide open to everyone (except "24" and Helga, perhaps...) and to follow the editing policies and practices that we all know and love. It's much *less* silly to expect a number of them to join a free encyclopedia project advisory board of some sort, made up of leaders in all fields, that would set standards and procedures for the selection of *some free articles* (not to lead Wikipedia). It's also quite possible many of them will want to get on board as active parts of the writing and vetting process--but on their own terms, not on Wikipedia. We've already seen some potential for this with Nupedia. But I think we can do better, by getting behind the notion of a project led by, well, *real* experts. Not me, but Jacques Barzun, or someone of his stature. Someone, or a group of people, that the best minds of the world can look to and say, "This is fantastic. They want to do this? I want to be part of it."
That's how academics and scientists think, hate it or not. But it *is* how they think. Hard-headed problem-solvers will devise ways to work with it, as a constraint.
(8) A few people think I misunderstand the source of open source's success.
Stephen G., did I say that Linux Torvalds set out with exactly the goals the free software movement has come to have? If so, I apologize. I'm sure that most people got involved in the movement because it was fun (challenging, inspirational, etc.). I'm sure that freedom from requirements of academic and other formal qualifications (and employer- and client-defined standards) is an important element of what makes free software attractive for many of its developers. Moreover, I agree with you that there are important analogies here to the present and future success of Wikipedia. But this doesn't contradict what I did say, which I will refrain from reiterating.
Similarly, Karl J., I am sure the final decisions about what to officially release are made as you say they are (by whatever experts are at hand, not by the world's greatest expert about the thing). It so happens, though, that as the movement has growed in stature, those people who make the decisions really *are* software experts. If I'm wrong, please supply me with an example. How could the leaders of kernel releases, GNOME, etc., fail to be experts in what they do? The success of their projects is sufficient evidence. This doesn't contradict anything I said, moreover.
The disanalogy between software and encyclopedia article writing is simply that software has to work. It has to do what it is supposed to do. As software grows in sophistication, this requires huge amounts of expertise. But encyclopedia articles do not work or fail to work; still, very many of them *do* require the attention, at *some* point, of an expert, in order for anyone to be able to trust them reasonably.
(9) Now to address a point that at least three people made. If Wikipedia develops by itself, without any association with any sort of expert- controlled approval mechanism, to the point where it is used regularly by librarians and referred to as a good research source by college professors, I would take that as prima facie proof that a *lot* of experts are involved in Wikipedia. But this is precisely what I predict will not happen. Wikipedians, in too many cases unduly confident (it seems to me) of their project's modest successes, *need* a Nupedia.
I know exactly what you guys are saying. I used to think Wikipedia *might* succeed on its own (but the involvement of Nupedia has always seemed important to me); I now fear otherwise. "Dreamworld" is hyperbole --I have *never before* been given to hyperbole, though. :-)
Axel and Lee both opined that Wikipedia might be able attract experts to lead it (hopefully not in an official capacity but due to proper respect to their expertise in their areas of expertise) all on its own, due to the (eventual) strength of its material. Bootstrapping, as many people have observed.
I'm willing to admit that I could be wrong; I don't have a crystal ball. But, looking at Wikipedia's contents now and comparing it to what I recall from times past, I do have to say that I'm worried. I don't think that in terms of quality, overall, it's getting that much better. But I also admit the project is still very young and no trends can be reliably predicted. That doesn't stop me from being worried, and I think you should be too. There's nothing utterly magical about the Wikipedia formula that *necessitates* that articles *on the whole* will not reach a level of mediocrity they never excel *on the whole*.
Moreover, there's a reason to think far too many experts won't ever give Wikipedia the attention it needs: it's just not a "form of life" that they're interested in and used to. It's important that we properly come to grips with this fact.
My experience with Nupedia makes me strongly suspect that the ablest possible contributors to the open encyclopedia project need their own project with their own rules, and that it's unwise to expect most academics and professionals anyway (I dealt with many dozens on Nupedia) to be interested in joining a wiki and contributing in that fashion.
If Wikipedia gets behind the notion, it'll happen!
Thanks for clarifying your original posts and rebutting some responses. I didn't realize at first that you were talking about forking Wikipedia. That would be, as you say, a horse of a different color from changing the way in which Wikipedia currently runs.
First let me reiterate what I think you are saying, so if I am again missing the point, at least you will know what I am responding to. You want to have some articles taken out of the domain of the collectively editable, and put into a space (say ExpertWikipedia) where they are maintained exclusively by some expert or experts. This would break synchronization with Wikipedia, i.e. there would be no automatic transferral of information in either direction. If a Wikipedia article evolved in a way the expert disapproved of, s/he wouldn't incorporate the changes. Similarly, if the expert article didn't satisfy members of the Wikipedia community, they would modify it and evolve it into something different. In brief, the project would be forked.
Pursuing the free software analogy futher, there used to be much talk about inevitable forking, and the potential of forks to kill off the movement. In practice, however, forks have been very rare. The only serious infrastructure fork was over libc/glibc, and that remerged before long. It turns out that two versions of the same program can hardly ever survive. Either one draws all the developers and comes to dominate the field, or all the good ideas from one are merged into the other, which obviates the necessity of having two.
My question for you, Larry, is why the same immense pressure against forking wouldn't also apply in the free encyclopedia movement. If there is a Wikipedia/ExpertWikipedia split, why wouldn't whichever is dominant gain all the momentum and all the contributions?
Suppose that ExpertWikipedia becomes the site that everyone uses as a reference work. Suppose that my contributions to Wikipedia are not being incorporated into ExpertWikipedia. In that case, I will become frustrated and quit. If I contribute further the free encyclopedia movement, it will take the form of trying to influence the expert in charge of the "official" version of the article. I will submmit my patches (edits) to her/him at ExpertWikipedia instead of wasting my time at Wikipedia.
Conversely, suppose that Wikipedia becomes the site that everyone uses as a reference work. Why would experts want their work to languish in obscurity on ExpertWikipedia? They will either quit and go back to writing scholarly books and articles, or they will wade into Wikipedia and try to get there stuff to stick there.
You talk about experts in this way:
Someone, or a group of people, that the best minds of the world can look to and say, "This is fantastic. They want to do this? I want
be part of it."
There's the rub. How can ordinary people be a part of the expert project? I think you need to spell out in more detail how you evision a back-and-forth flow of information between the forked projects. What would make it different from the Wikipedia/Nupedia distinction that exists today? If an expert-led free encyclopedia is such a great idea, why isn't Nupedia taking off by itself?
(7) Fred Bauder was right to point out that a lot of the people who could help *Wikipedia* most just won't put up with arguing with
who they think should be sitting down and taking notes.
Very true. And many expert programmers do not suffer fools gladly, and do not enjoy the frequent heated discussions which open source software projects generate. Those experts work for Microsoft, found their own startup companies, or work in academic research where they can do their own thing.
On the other hand, many academic experts *want* commentary and contributions to whatever they write. Participation in conversation is as big a rush to established scholars as it is to schmoes like me. Of course nobody has much time for unsubstantiated fringe opinions and idiotic assertions, but I'm talking about perceptive questions and critiques. I can imagine many situations where a pool of informed, cooperative amateurs would not be a hassle for a leading expert, but rather a positive draw. And one thing I, an informed amateur, can do to make an expert's life pleasant at Wikipedia, is to spare her/him from the hassles of reverting vandalism, answering easy questions, etc.
It so happens, though, that as the movement has grown in stature, those people who make the decisions really *are* software experts. [...] This doesn't contradict anything I said, moreover.
Quite so, the leaders of the big free software projects really are experts. But it does contradict the spirit of what you said, because almost none of the free software projects are "experts only", and an insignificant few projects have experts-only forks. (e.g. Netscape is a fork of Mozilla, but Mozilla is carrying the flag and drawing all the volunteer participation. Netscape is technologically insignificant; it matters only as marketing.) In almost all cases literally everyone can submit incremental changes (i.e. patches) to every project. If there is a mechanism for ordinary schmoes to submit incremental changes to the ExpertWikipedia in your proposal, I missed it.
The robustness of open source projects is vastly enhanced by the fact that anyone can contribute to any extent they like. Some of the expert leaders have worked their way up through the ranks by submitting numerous small patches, then maintaining a subsystem, then taking over entirely when a leader steps down. All this happen with no recruiting and no official designation of who is expert. It is allowed to happen because there is no distinction such as you are proposing.
I can imagine Wikipedia evolving to the point that we semi-officially designate subsystem experts (e.g. Axel Boldt as math czar), and maybe give them power to protect a small number of pages. But somehow ordinary folks have to be able to get their oar in or the project will suffer. Even the main page, which we decided we had to protect, has a talk page for making suggestions which our 39 administrators respond to.
The disanalogy between software and encyclopedia article writing is simply that software has to work. It has to do what it is supposed
do. As software grows in sophistication, this requires huge amounts of expertise. But encyclopedia articles do not work or fail to work;
I agree that there is some disanalogy there. But how significant is it? Please note that open source projects often exclude submissions that work perfectly well. The grounds of exclusion can be that code is unmaintainable and/or difficult for peers to review. "How well does it work?" is in fact sometimes less significant than "How beautiful is the code?", as witnessed by incomplete patches with rough edges but beautiful underlying structure trumping crufty code that gets the job done with no errors. Deciding which code is worthy is far from black and white.
Anyway, the disanalogy only matters if the quality of encyclopedia articles is not generally recognizable. It will only harm Wikipedia if people routinely fail to recognize the scholarship of experts who know more and write better than they do. So far I see some of this failure to comprehend on Wikipedia, but not as much as I suspected, and not enough to put a systematic brake on the success of the project. In fact, I think it would be very instructive to visit the discussions of some open source projects, and see whether various proposed patches generate more or less disagreement than edits on Wikipedia. I suspect you would find as much heat in the open source movement as in the typical edit war on Wikipedia.
Peace, -Karl
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--- Karl Juhnke wrote:
First let me reiterate what I think you are saying, so if I am again missing the point, at least you will know what I am responding to. You want to have some articles taken out of the domain of the collectively editable, and put into a space (say ExpertWikipedia) where they are maintained exclusively by some expert or experts.
No, not quite. He said that Wikipedia should remain *unchanged*. The articles would be copied, not moved.
Stephen Gilbert
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On Sun, 1 Sep 2002, Stephen Gilbert wrote:
--- Karl Juhnke wrote:
First let me reiterate what I think you are saying, so if I am again missing the point, at least you will know what I am responding to. You want to have some articles taken out of the domain of the collectively editable, and put into a space (say ExpertWikipedia) where they are maintained exclusively by some expert or experts.
No, not quite. He said that Wikipedia should remain *unchanged*. The articles would be copied, not moved.
And, moreover, I'm bewildered at the suggestion that what I was proposing was a "fork." If anything, Wikipedia is a fork of Nupedia. We started in February 2000 with Nupedia. It grew moribund for a variety of reasons, not least of which was that my time in 2001 was increasingly spent on Wikipedia instead of Nupedia. You could say that I propose reviving a version of Nupedia.
I recommend having a look at . A lot of the information is outdated (because the project is currently "on hold" at best).
I'll have to observe what transpires on the list and reply to the rest later!
--- Larry Sanger wrote:
On Sun, 1 Sep 2002, Stephen Gilbert wrote:
--- Karl Juhnke wrote:
First let me reiterate what I think you are saying, so if I am again missing the point, at least you will know what I am responding to. You want to have some articles taken out of the domain of the collectively editable, and put into a space (say ExpertWikipedia) where they are maintained exclusively by some expert or experts.
No, not quite. He said that Wikipedia should remain *unchanged*. The articles would be copied, not moved.
And, moreover, I'm bewildered at the suggestion that what I was proposing was a "fork."
OK, now it is my turn to be bewildered. I went back and re-read both of your previous long e-mails, and I still don't understand what you are suggesting. Sorry for being so dense.
You speak of "a free encyclopedia project advisory board of some sort, made up of leaders in all fields, that would set standards and procedures for the selection of *some free articles* (not to lead Wikipedia)." So your proposal is to have a one-way flow of information? That is to say, some subset of Wikipedia articles would be deemed of acceptable quality, and copied exactly as they are to some place where they would be safe from further editing? (By the way, what happens to all the broken links if only a subset of articles is copied over?)
If this is what you are suggesting, then you are counting on Wikipedia as it is now, prior to any contributions and revisions of your panel of experts, to produce the quality articles, among which the experts merely pick and choose the best.
But then you also say "In many more cases, [...] no one but an expert will be able to edit, supervise, and otherwise whip into shape articles on subjects that many nonexperts think, but mistakenly, they can write adequately about." So you obviously don't envision the experts merely selecting articles, right? They will be expected to actively edit articles too.
Where do you envision the experts doing their editorial work? Will they contribute to Wikipedia for a while, and then when an article becomes good enough, copy it over to a safe haven? Yet you contend that most experts could not be induced to be active on Wikipedia itself. If that is true, then they must be doing their editing someplace else. If they are doing their editing someplace else, how does the information get back to Wikipedia? Whatever appears in the safe haven will have all the benefits of expert attention, but the Wikipedia article won't have those benefits. If the information starts at Wikipedia, is modified and improved, and those improvements don't get back to Wikipedia, then the project has forked. That's how I came to the shocking conclusion that you wanted to fork Wikipedia.
Finally, I did visit, and as near as I can tell the content there is not static, and thus not a safe haven as I have been using the term. Even if something were copied over to Nupedia exactly as it is on Wikipedia, it might then evolve and be improved in its Nupedia incarnation. Again, that's a fork. Yes, historically Wikipedia was a fork of Nupedia, but whichever way a fork goes, the free software movement gives us strong reason to believe only one branch will survive.
Forgive me for not comprehending your proposal, and please believe that I am not being intentionally obtuse. I simply don't understand the mechanism of what your panel of experts would do and how. I, too, would like to "create a structure that will make the elite feel welcome to be involved in a *leadership* role", but I don't see what you think that entails.
Apologetically yours, -Karl
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--- Stephen Gilbert wrote:
--- Karl Juhnke wrote:
First let me reiterate what I think you are saying, so if I am again missing the point, at least you will know what I am responding to. You want to have some articles taken out of the domain of the collectively editable, and put into a space (say ExpertWikipedia) where they are maintained exclusively by some expert or experts.
No, not quite. He said that Wikipedia should remain *unchanged*. The articles would be copied, not moved.
Ah, sorry I expressed myself badly. I did in fact understand that nothing would be *removed* from Wikipedia. My concern was not that Wikipedia would lose anything by Larry's proposal. He is happy to let Wikipedia go as far as it can under its current structure, but doesn't expect success beyond a certain level. Similarly I am happy to let a panel of experts skim the cream from Wikipedia and copy it to someplace else, but I think it would be unlikely to help the free encyclopedia movement. That's all.
Peace, -Karl
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Let me try to summarize: 1. Articles are written by experts, or are copied from "free encyclopedia sources" 2. They get checked and maybe expanded by experts 3. They are stored in a "safe" place where every change, if any, is controlled 4. These modified articles are a "free encyclopedia source" again 5. As a result, these articles (or parts of them) can be integrated into the "free encyclopedia sources" from #1
So, Wikipedia could be the basis for Nupedia (which is no problem in itself; I could open up "Magnuspedia" today, based on Wikipedia, and declare it expert-edits only, and noone could stop me). But, whatever the experts at Nupedia will come up with, it will probably be better than the corresponding Wikipedia article it is based on. Wikipedia can only profit from such edits, as they can be used in turn. There's one thing Wikipedia will always beat Nupedia in: Growth. At the moment, that is growth in the number of articles. Bu, at some point, it will be growth of individual articles. Many articles I originally submitted to Nupedia have been growing enormously on the fertile soil of Wikipedia. Articles can grow on Wikipedia, be proof-read in Nupedia, and gan then grow further on Wikipedia again. What I'm trying to say is Wikipedia and Nupedia won't be a fork, because they're not really competition; they could both benefit from a symbiosis.
On Mon, 2 Sep 2002, Magnus Manske wrote:
Let me try to summarize:
- Articles are written by experts, or are copied from "free
encyclopedia sources" 2. They get checked and maybe expanded by experts 3. They are stored in a "safe" place where every change, if any, is controlled 4. These modified articles are a "free encyclopedia source" again 5. As a result, these articles (or parts of them) can be integrated into the "free encyclopedia sources" from #1
So, Wikipedia could be the basis for Nupedia (which is no problem in itself; I could open up "Magnuspedia" today, based on Wikipedia, and declare it expert-edits only, and noone could stop me). But, whatever the experts at Nupedia will come up with, it will probably be better than the corresponding Wikipedia article it is based on. Wikipedia can only profit from such edits, as they can be used in turn. There's one thing Wikipedia will always beat Nupedia in: Growth. At the moment, that is growth in the number of articles. Bu, at some point, it will be growth of individual articles. Many articles I originally submitted to Nupedia have been growing enormously on the fertile soil of Wikipedia. Articles can grow on Wikipedia, be proof-read in Nupedia, and gan then grow further on Wikipedia again. What I'm trying to say is Wikipedia and Nupedia won't be a fork, because they're not really competition; they could both benefit from a symbiosis
I consider this to be a very good proposition. So the Nupedia articles will acutally be edited snapshots of wikipedia articles done by experts in the field from time to time. I think this is a good thing to save results of successful wikipedia articles. It would be something like a quality label and would perhaps attract one or the other expert.
At the moment nupeida is actually a dead project, perhpas this might lead to its ressurection.
Another idea would be that universities just do edited snapshotsf of certain wp articles with link back to wp, edit them an put them on their website.
If some articles are moved to a "safe haven" -- whether that be "ExpertWikipedia", "Nupedia" or just some [[protected: namepsace of wikipedia -- they should not be editable there. That's only going to lead to two concurrent versions of an article, which someone is going to have to muck around merging in the future.
The multi-tiered system with voting sounds horribly complicated.
The basic idea, as I see it, is for one particular revision of a page to be protected & marked out as being "good", in the event that vandalism or general rubbish occurs. It wouldn't be hard for a page to have a "view last approved revision" link on it.
If that's the proposal, I'm all for it. I've had similiar thought myself.
Stephen G.
--- Magnus Manske wrote:
Let me try to summarize:
- Articles are written by experts, or are copied
from "free encyclopedia sources" 2. They get checked and maybe expanded by experts 3. They are stored in a "safe" place where every change, if any, is controlled 4. These modified articles are a "free encyclopedia source" again 5. As a result, these articles (or parts of them) can be integrated into the "free encyclopedia sources" from #1
So, Wikipedia could be the basis for Nupedia (which is no problem in itself; I could open up "Magnuspedia" today, based on Wikipedia, and declare it expert-edits only, and noone could stop me). But, whatever the experts at Nupedia will come up with, it will probably be better than the corresponding Wikipedia article it is based on. Wikipedia can only profit from such edits, as they can be used in turn. There's one thing Wikipedia will always beat Nupedia in: Growth. At the moment, that is growth in the number of articles. Bu, at some point, it will be growth of individual articles. Many articles I originally submitted to Nupedia have been growing enormously on the fertile soil of Wikipedia. Articles can grow on Wikipedia, be proof-read in Nupedia, and gan then grow further on Wikipedia again. What I'm trying to say is Wikipedia and Nupedia won't be a fork, because they're not really competition; they could both benefit from a symbiosis.
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I didn't make any specific proposal other than that we (or someone associated with Wikipedia and Nupedia) get back into the business of making the process of creating an free encyclopedia palatable to "the experts." The exact form of the proposal is best left to the concerned parties, I guess. The one Magnus makes is rather old (as I'm sure he knows) and I vaguely recall making it myself once or twice on Nupedia-L.
I do think we could go farther, though. I think we need to be creative thinking up ways we can attract, say, a major university to become involved in managing Nupedia (or perhaps some new organization). But, again, I don't want to make any *specific* proposals, just because I'd rather leave that up to concerned parties.
Who's that? Jimbo, those of you on Wikipedia who are interested in breathing life into Wikipedia, and those on Nupedia who still care.
On Mon, 2 Sep 2002, Stephen Gilbert wrote:
If that's the proposal, I'm all for it. I've had similiar thought myself.
Stephen G.
--- Magnus Manske wrote:
Let me try to summarize:
- Articles are written by experts, or are copied
from "free encyclopedia sources" 2. They get checked and maybe expanded by experts 3. They are stored in a "safe" place where every change, if any, is controlled 4. These modified articles are a "free encyclopedia source" again 5. As a result, these articles (or parts of them) can be integrated into the "free encyclopedia sources" from #1
An expert-only fork will lose something very valuable, I fear. For example, I know very little about the English Civil War, or the Battle of Trafalgar (I had "trendy" history teachers at school who steadfastly refused to teach us dates...) Yet today I've been looking around these pages and those that link, fixing links, correcting typos, and occasionally rewriting for clarity. The risk of having only experts write a set of articles is that only the experts will want to (or be able) to read them. Outsiders to a subject give the layperson's perspective.
I'm all for a "safe haven" for good articles, something that will attract experts to Wikipedia. We DO need more people who are knowledgeable, in many subject areas, but not at the expense of shutting out the hoi polloi.
I suggest that such a safe haven be non-editable: a presentation of the best of Wikipedia, not a forking. It can attract experts, who will marvel at the quality -- but to make a contribution, they have to go into the fray of the main Wikipedia.
-- tarquin
On Mon, 2 Sep 2002, tarquin wrote:
The risk of having only experts write a set of articles is that only the experts will want to (or be able) to read them.
Who has suggested that having only experts write them?
Outsiders to a subject give the layperson's perspective.
No part of anyone's proposal militates against this.
I'm all for a "safe haven" for good articles, something that will attract experts to Wikipedia. We DO need more people who are knowledgeable, in many subject areas, but not at the expense of shutting out the hoi polloi.
Little danger of shutting out hoi polloi (literally, "the many") on Wikipedia. My whole point is that you're shutting out the *experts* right now!
I suggest that such a safe haven be non-editable: a presentation of the best of Wikipedia, not a forking.
It is disingenuous to call the proposal of expert guidance of a revived Nupedia a "fork." But, if due to your hostility to the idea you want to call it one, that's your prerogative.
Larry Sanger wrote:
On Mon, 2 Sep 2002, tarquin wrote:
I suggest that such a safe haven be non-editable: a presentation of the best of Wikipedia, not a forking.
It is disingenuous to call the proposal of expert guidance of a revived Nupedia a "fork." But, if due to your hostility to the idea you want to call it one, that's your prerogative.
Having two versions of one article, both editable, is a fork by definition -- just as Karl Juhnge says.
Will this whole "Cream of Wikipedia" idea actually attract the experts we feel we need?
It's too bad Larry ran out of time and had to go back to work. I hope he didn't leave the debate prematurely because of numbskulls like me who couldn't understand his ideas. I am sorry, too, that I apparently offended him by using the word fork. I was gearing up to write this letter, eschewing the word fork as a sign of respect. If Larry has unsubscribed before this gets posted, that's too bad, but I want to write this way anyway as a discipline.
--- Magnus Manske wrote:
Let me try to summarize:
- Articles are written by experts, or are copied
from "free encyclopedia sources" 2. They get checked and maybe expanded by experts 3. They are stored in a "safe" place where every change, if any, is controlled 4. These modified articles are a "free encyclopedia source" again 5. As a result, these articles (or parts of them) can be integrated into the "free encyclopedia sources" from #1
--- Larry Sanger wrote:
The [proposal] Magnus makes is rather old (as I'm sure he knows) and I vaguely recall making it myself once or twice on Nupedia-L.
OK, I think I finally get it. Two free encyclopedias coexisting side by side. Each has its own version of each article, and each has its own process for adding and improving. Each is free to take content from the other. Because each generates prose that is useful to the other, they support each other symbiotically.
The beauty of the system is that we attract more total contributors. Nupedia attracts experts. Wikipedia attracts everyone. We get quality AND quantity instead of having to choose between them.
It sounds great. It won't work. The devil is in the details. Once two articles have diverged to any significant extent, re-merging them is an enormous hassle. You have to remember which differences exist for a legitimate reason, and which differences are changes that you would like to incorporate across the boundary. If a Wikipedia article has been refactored in its Nupedia incarnation, tweaks to the un-refactored Wikipedia article may be non-trivial to incorporate on Nupedia. Or, moving in the other direction, the refactored Nupedia article would break all the Wiki links and have to be re-Wikified to be re-imported to Wikipedia.
I didn't make any specific proposal other than that we (or someone associated with Wikipedia and Nupedia) get back into the business of making the process of creating an free encyclopedia palatable to "the experts." The exact form of the proposal is best left to the concerned parties, I guess.
I do think we could go farther, though. I think we need to be creative thinking up ways we can attract, say, a major university to become involved in managing Nupedia (or perhaps some new organization). But, again, I don't want to make any *specific* proposals, just because I'd rather leave that up to concerned parties.
I always hate it when people tell me "That sounds good in theory, but it won't work in practice." I think the burden of proof should be on the person doing the debunking to say why such a good-sounding theory won't actually work. What is it about practice that the theory doesn't account for?
Sadly, I want to tell Larry that having a free encyclopedia separate from Wikipedia and structed so as to attract experts "sounds good in theory but won't work in practice". Moreover, the debunking task that falls to me *requires* that I know the specific details that he doesn't feel it is his place to give. I'm in the awkward position of making a pragmatic argument in vague, theoretical terms. But I'll take one more stab at it.
One of the lessons of free software is that not many similar projects survive in the same space. One or two projects usually come to dominate mind share, and the dominant project then draws all the participation and use. It has already happened with the OS, where Linux has come to dominate the various flavors of BSD. It has happened with the browser, where Mozilla rules, and with graphic design where the GIMP dominates.
To say nothing of forking, projects that start and evolve independently in the same space are culled by a brutal natural selection: some utility will be most used, or have the most developers, or have the best developers. If those three don't coincide at first, they eventually come to coincide, as developers are drawn to the best and most active and most widely used project, which improves the project, which draws more use, etc., etc.
Where there are two projects, in the same space, for example with the KDE and GNOME desktops, there is substantial pressure to make them merge or interoperate. Witness, for example, Red Hat's latest distribution where they try to make it so that a user can be ignorant of whether they are using GNOME or KDE at any given moment, and switch transparently between them. Or in the case of OpenOffice, AbiWord, and the KOffice suite, there are calls to make the OpenOffice file format standard so that all the free word processors can interchange documents seamlessly. (Whether it is OpenOffice's format that rules or not, there *will* be a merged standard.)
The reason why every project except one tends to die off or merge should be familiar to Larry. People simply don't have time to contribute to two projects. It isn't fun to reinvent the wheel here and then there. Therefore almost all people pick one project to contribute to, and stick with that. Porting changes back and forth between two projects is immensely inefficient. Indeed, it is often more efficient to make the same change twice as opposed to copying anything.
Yes, there would be a benefit from attracting more people, specifically more experts, to the open encyclopedia project. But that benefit would be dwarfed by the ineffeciency of having two divergent information repositories, i.e. by having to do every edit twice.
Peace, -Karl
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Larry Sanger wrote:
"There aren't many bona fide experts, leaders in their fields,
involved in Wikipedia right now." For example, I am not a bona fide expert about much of anything or leader in any of my "fields."
What precise criteria would you assert demonstrates a bona fide expert?
(3) My contention is that, for Wikipedia to succeed, we need experts *guiding* the *free encyclopedia movement* (notice the key words).
I notice *guiding*. It has been my experience that bona fide experts are best employed in what they excel at. Are you proposing we find some expert project managers, executives, project team leaders, negotiaters, technical writers, etc.? If so, then they could apparently apply some expertise proposing *guidance* for the community's ratification.
What I *am* saying is that, in the long run, unless a lot of experts are involved and unless there is a process that holds *some* portion of the free encyclopedia movement (not Wikipedia) up to extremely high standards,
The existing standards are as high as any individual chooses to apply.
I found the standards at infanticide extremely rigorous. In fact, I have not yet found an independent credible source to support strong claims that some of us wish to make there.
the overall project won't succeed in producing a credible encyclopedia.
Credible to who? Specific criteria can be useful in discussion.
In some cases this might be because no one but an expert would be able to write (or rewrite) an article on a topic properly. In many more cases, it will be because no one but an expert will be able to edit, supervise, and otherwise whip into shape articles on subjects that many nonexperts think, but mistakenly, they can write adequately about. There are many such subjects, at least if we want to compare ourselves to actual reliable encyclopedias.
O.K. Name a few subjects that defy writings by anyone except the leading world authority on the subject.
I contend that by the time someone is acknowledged a leading world authority on anything specific; there is sufficient written material available for the subject to be understood by most who choose to study it.
Some of the leading authorities is even more certain. Multiple authorities acknowledged implies more writings and communications and more people exposed to them in order to certify more people as leading experts.
It is insufficient to assert the Einstein (or the equivalent) is the best physicist of his generation and that only he can guide an effort to write about general relativity. By the time he has convinced enough other physicists that his theories are correct there are quite a few people around who have reviewed and written about them in various forums. These "mediocre" people are presumably good enough to contribute to quality articles at Wikipedia if they can get published in Scientific American, National Geographic, etc. or reproduce empirical results confirming the theory, or recalibrate clocks in orbital spacecraft, or read any of the above and understand it.
(4) I should have known better than not to spend at least a couple more paragraphs explaining that I do not have a fetish for formal qualifications. I agree absolutely completely 100% that it is totally possible for people who lack any sort of formal qualifications to write (and edit and code) wonderful creative works of all sorts. I also agree that this is at the heart of the success of the open source movement.
Apparently I was confused. I thought you said that the secret of their success was the prevalence of highly qualified and credentialed people *guiding* their important successful projects.
But that mere possibility doesn't mean that we don't need a lot of experts *guiding* a quality control process that Wikipedia benefits from.
Likewise, the mere possibility that leading authorities can be invited to come be in charge does not mean that we need *guidance* to achieve a high quality product.
What specific benefits to Wikipedia from a *guided* quality control process at Nupedia do you project as possibilities?
The current Wikipedia community process appears to me to implement a process that could be modeled by control theory and shown to be tending to converge towards excellence ... apparently without any pre-emptive guidance by acknowledged experts. The process seems well evolved to accept participatory input as it is available at whatever level whenever it is provided.
If the above is sustained, then as long as some experts show up interested in contributing to specific topics, and the pool of contributors continues to diversify (or rotate) then the local article quality will continue to rise as will the aggregate. Indeed, one could argue that with the evolutionary approach that has evolved the process can be *unguided* as long as the community does not fall below regenerative thresholds. It must be able to collaborate with (train) newcomers, accomplish maintenance exceeding damage accrued by casual contributors and vandals, interact a bit within the long standing ranks, and do a little original fact checking or editing. There may exist size thresholds where the overall quality of Wikipedia would drop until the reliable community of contributors grew back to previous levels and where the community would collapse rather than regenerate.
Part of
the irony in my title was precisely this point: the open source movement is full of all sorts of people with relatively few formal qualifications, and no one cares. But, IN FACT, the movement in general is guided by people who are a lot more expert in coding than the average Wikipedian is about what he or she writes about (and that couldn't be otherwise, given its success). There's nothing paradoxical about this--and it doesn't make the free software movement into a cathedral rather than a bazaar. It's a bazaar *guided* by expert coders. Kind of (but not entirely) like the stock market, a more or less free market, being guided by Wall Street gurus.
The free software movement is shaped by evolutionary pressures, not *guided*. Successful Wall Street gurus do not manipulate or guide the market as a whole (this activity is extremely localized in space time, successful "experts" get out before getting caught) they stay out of its way.
The local community has managed to develop a culture that embraces some rules and procedures which tend to evolve better material from good faith participation in the community commons, the Wikipedia. Additional participation, not *leadership* or *guidance*, will emulate and enhance past success.
Are you aware that many free/open projects start as a means of studying a language or computer science concept of interest to the initiator? Much of the expertise is developed on an as needed basis. I find it hard to believe, given this fact, that on average the expertise at project initiation that is applicable to the problem at hand is higher that the expertise available at twikification for a typical contributor at Wikipedia. Contributors at Wikipedia can apply their entire applicable expertise to small twikification opportunities and the content is immediately and visibly improved. A similar level of effort in a complex software component is likely to introduce bugs or break it entirely. Several iterations may be required before actual visible improvement occurs. Combine this with the fact that Wikipedia contributors can simply pass when uncertainty occurs regarding the potential improvement, the article does not require "fixing" before it can be compiled and evaluated by the next potential contributor. Clearly Wikipedia's articles should improve faster with fewer iterations than free software components.
(5) I am not heralding the doom of Wikipedia, Daniel M., nor did I say (or mean to imply) that what Wikipedia does is futile, and I'm sorry if I wasn't clear about that. In fact, I think that, eventually, Wikipedia *will* get the loose direction (by example) it needs, by becoming an independent part of an open encyclopedia movement that includes an (also independent) expert-staffed review board. Part of the purpose of my post was to help move the movement in that direction.
We need to establish groundwork so that academia or Nupedia can take full credit for Wikipedia's success?
You have not established to my satisfaction that your proposed leaders are intended to provide guidance in how to improve our existing successful processes. Currently anyone can (and does) read or review any article. There is substantial expertise being applied to constructive criticism on talk pages and in editing improvements. This is improving both content and editorial collaborative skills.
It appears to me that you are saying we absolutely must have old style endorsement by those at the top of the academic pyramid. This makes the material magically acceptable to readers too lazy to critically assess and establish for themselves the credibility of the material presented.
Wikipedia is being assembled by a process that deletes mistakes as it finds them. Readers are encouraged to learn scholastic research, review, and critiquing methods suitable for civilized interaction with other contributing editors and readers. One of the Wikipedia products is already critical readers. Do I believe this? Is the reliability adequate for my purpose or should I check on it? Is is consistent with my prior beliefs or sources? If it is not verifiable or consistent with other sources how much do I trust it?
There are two major methods of quality management and control used in the modern industrialized world:
1. One hundred percent inspection. Defects are corrected or thrown away. This method is preferred when dealing with potentially expensive endeavers. Nuclear reactors, space shuttles, ballistic missiles, traffic lights, etc.
2. Improve the production process and use statistic sampling to drive process improvements. This is used where productivity and quantity manufactured makes it cost prohibitive to use 100% inspection. ICs, machine bolts, automobiles, etc.
3. The two are effectively combined by the economy on an ad hoc basis to suit local economic requirements. i.e. Land Rovers or Snow Cats are extensively overhauled and inspected before setting out in redundant convoys across the Sahara or the Antarctic. Individual high quality components and initial integration were probably manufactured subject to method 2 above.
Apparently rather than challenging the reader to think critically and assess the material for themselves (as Wikipedia currently does) you propose an easy immediate jump in credibility (percieved reliability?) by being able to cite leading authorities directing or guiding the assembly of the material, rather than self improving contributing readers.
You contend that only the advertised guidance of these authorities will lend the process or the product any credibility with specialists and leading experts.
You propose that we need an "expert-staffed review board". Yet it is clear that we already have this, the review board consists of the entire community of reading contributors and the experts we have already attracted to the project.
Authorizing a "the review board says" or "As a representative of the review board I say, therefore the issue is settled" is a substantial deviation of the current project procedures which are: "If you cannot work productively without extended edit wars with the other contributors then you should come to the mailing list and discuss it or stay away from these subjects or face banning."
The latter shuts down persistent problems damaging to the community. The former shuts down effective participation.
Wikipedia is clear evidence that participation can drive a successful project. Nupedia (and possibly others) apparently has yet to demonstrate that authority or *guidance* or *leadership* can deliver a quality project without the funds to pay for participation.
(6) It is possible, as a few people seem to think, that by attracting many experts *to Wikipedia* (and continuing to forget that Nupedia ever happened) will result in the sort of excellent quality I hope we'll achieve. If that were to happen, I'd be delighted. (I don't expect it to happen; see (9) below.
Perhaps we should formulate some quantitative criteria for success and begin measuring our processes. This has been done to a certain extent, but if it is perceived as important to the community for effective self management, there is a bit more that could be done fairly easily.
But it wasn't my suggestion. My suggestion was for
Wikipedians to get behind a new or newly revitalized project (such as Nupedia), officially independent of Wikipedia, that would be managed by experts.
Managed by expert managers or leading authorities in a variety of arcane specialties? I have worked with many specialists, since they have been extremely focused on specific topics many of them lack management skills typically developed via on the job experience which professional managers accumulate.
Why expect a leading metallurgist, acknowledged top in his field, to be good at assembling a presentation of metallurgy suitable for kindergartners through P'hds as a comprehensible, reliable reference source? Why expect him/her to be good at recruiting, motivating, training, and/or managing the diverse team of specialists in education, presentation, tech writing, web design, etc. needed to tackle such a demanding multi-media multi medium project?
Roll out the red carpet. Create a structure that will make the elite feel welcome to be involved in a *leadership* role. Get universities involved, and major research institutions, and even businesses--just as is the case with the open source movement.
The elite in the open/free source movement earn their recognition by coding and giving away useful software products and source code. We have created a structure here where the elite participators are recognized and welcome. Now if we can identify ways to avoid overloading the elite, while the rest of us improve a bit, and newcomer's are assimilated without undue aggravation, then we shall really have something.
Universities are involved. Unless I am mistaken some of our better credentialed contributing regulars worked for universities. Bomis is involved by at least Mr. Wales philanthropy and unless I am miskaken there are still some paid Bomis employees actively contributing, whether on their own time or paid by Bomis or both I am uncertain.
I do not know if any influence is present yet from research institutions. I used to work at Edwards AFB, which did some leading edge telemetry processing and flight test in support of experimental aircraft from time to time. Indeed, much of what I learned there regarding TQM and project management is available to the community.
(This, by the way, doesn't mean that they would set the standards for *Wikipedia*. I would strongly oppose that; Wikipedia should be self-managing as it always has been. But Wikipedia articles are open content. They might manage a different project that uses Wikipedia content, as is their right. Wikipedia would hugely benefit if this happened.)
I am not certain I would quantify the benefit as huge. Certainly the credit for the work would be good PR. It would seem about the equivalent of a fork in terms of drawing off productive contributors. Of course, if the effort drawn was concentrated with people valuing credentials over actual content and sources for the "target" audience to read, evaluate, and contribute back to; then it might be very beneficial in reducing the scorn to which newcomer's are occasionally subjected.
(7) Fred Bauder was right to point out that a lot of the people who could help *Wikipedia* most just won't put up with arguing with people who they think should be sitting down and taking notes. A college professor who has spent his life studying X would, at least in many cases, find it absurd and ludicrous that he should have to argue with someone about X who has maybe had a college course on the subject and read a few books. There are exceptions, but they are *really* exceptions, and be grateful for them. You might hate this attitude, but it's a fact of life. The free stuff movement (how's that for a name) might be fantastic and wonderful, but that doesn't mean it'll magically change this fact.
Progress! We are really delineating some of the fundamental issues involved in this revolutionary and innovative community project now.
I agree. Modern academics are completely out of touch with the old style log, student and instructor approach to self educational opportunities that produced ancient scholars and prodigies. A doctrine of indoctrination has permeated U.S. institutions to the extent that many professionally compensated scholars, educators, and specialists feel comfortable with this resort to authority. The problem, of course, is that many people find it difficult to recover a more active role in study, research, work, innovation, etc. after spending 20 or 30 years keeping quiet and being indoctrinated.
Wikipedia breaks this mold and proposes to develop contributing readers and reading contributors who verify the facts or the reasoning for themselves. Unfortunately this potentially places a large strain on busy, knowledgeable people; some of our best and brightest. We need better processes to alleviate this, not a return to gullibility or religious embrace of opinions backed by worshipped credentials. Newton gets a lot of credit for revolutionary scientific work. There are also some allegations that he single handedly slowed down science in the British empire by routinely blocking any idea that he did not agree with or for which he could not take personal credit. Good old Not Invented Here Syndrome.
I think we should encourage our best and brightest (such as Jules) to pace themselves a bit and develop better processes for keeping inaccurate, unreliable material off the current pages served to casual readers than overworking our dedicated and best collaborative scholars. 6 Billion - 37 - 200 - 2000 - 4000 leaves aproximately 6 billion people to expose to this return to the old ways. A student, a scholar, and a log ... Actually billions of students, millions (billions, assuming that no universal scholars exist) of emulation worthy examples, and an internet connection on demand between any two self chosen people, or people and forum, addressing the subject of choice.
Perhaps MIT's announcement a year or two ago to commit to open courseware freely available online should be reevaluated in the context of our conversation to see if it provides any insight. They do not propose to argue with the readers, merely to present their easily convertible course materials online for easy, free, access to any who wish to read them. They do not invite the internet accessible public to become critical thinkers and contributors, merely a reader. Last time I checked they were still largely vaporware, but some course materials are available online.
Personally, I think Wikipedia is on to something bigger. The original goal still specificially articulated is to develop a deep, broad, reliable encyclopedia. The chosen method embraced a new technology, wiki, that was in itself a revolutionary idea. What is the simplest computer technology possible to implement to allow distributed large scale collaboration via the internet? The answer turned out to be some scripts, a server, a database engine, and a simple text user interface, Wiki. The convolution of two goals threatens to provide a miniature World Wide Web which is easily modifiable peer to peer.
Adding SVG to the capabilities really has possibilities. Since engineers are indoctrinated by society to love getting paid for building things, instead of loving to design and build things. It should be possible to continue to attract sporadic participation here even if immediate forks spring up from the green space faction's desire to save representative fragments of the Amazon rain forests via distributed R&D on technologies applciable to space settlements. Most engineers will not rush to participate until success is obvious and assured.
What will 6 billion people decide to do next when they get affluent enough to ignore their leaders' *guidance* when freely developing and sharing knowledge bases via installed sunk capital infrastructure?
The free encyclopedia project--not Wikipedia, necessarily--needs these people.
Substantiating evidence? logical proof?
Needs which ones that we do not already have?
It's frankly a little silly to expect them to help us as long as
we continue to be wide open to everyone (except "24" and Helga, perhaps...) and to follow the editing policies and practices that we all know and love.
Actually I do not find partime participation a silly expectation. I expect they will pace themselves and contribute effectively as they choose, when they choose, and in ways they choose.
For example: Jules/April have twice in the last month notified the mailing list that a couple contributors were refusing substantiate their material in credible ways. This resulted in some augmented efforts by multiple people in verifying or deleting inaccurate information. Also resulted in some further modification and articulation of community policy.
It's much *less* silly to expect a number of them to join
a free encyclopedia project advisory board of some sort, made up of leaders in all fields, that would set standards and procedures for the selection of *some free articles* (not to lead Wikipedia). It's also quite possible many of them will want to get on board as active parts of the writing and vetting process--but on their own terms, not on Wikipedia. We've already seen some potential for this with Nupedia. But I think we can do better, by getting behind the notion of a project led by, well, *real* experts. Not me, but Jacques Barzun, or someone of his stature. Someone, or a group of people, that the best minds of the world can look to and say, "This is fantastic. They want to do this? I want to be part of it."
Perhaps. I remain unconvinced because I have not identified any clear arguments beyond *this is the status quo*. The people you wish to attract have it pretty good with the current status quo. Why should there be wide attraction to revolutionary concepts within their ranks?
I also fail to understand what weight you feel the consensus of the Wikipedia community will carry with these people when you feel our product, processes, and credentials are inferior to what they will allegedly require for participation.
Again, the existing participation here at Wikipedia seems to contradict this assertion. 24/200 is over ten percent. 24/2000 is over 1 percent. What percent of the general internet population have credentials documenting the expertise you desire?
Wikipedia is already sorting the "creme". Regular repeat contributors are learning to collaborate respectfully and effectively. Methods and means of reducing workload and harassment of our best contributers also seem to be evolving.
That's how academics and scientists think, hate it or not. But it *is* how they think. Hard-headed problem-solvers will devise ways to work with it, as a constraint.
Innovative problem solvers will modify the constraints.
I think this has already occurred. I have been proposing perceived incremental improvements, not contending that the existing process is broke.
(8) A few people think I misunderstand the source of open source's success.
Similarly, Karl J., I am sure the final decisions about what to officially release are made as you say they are (by whatever experts are at hand, not by the world's greatest expert about the thing). It so happens, though, that as the movement has growed in stature, those people who make the decisions really *are* software experts. If I'm wrong, please supply me with an example.
Browse sourceforge. The free software movements source of success is its evolutionary approach. Release early and often. Reuse, innovate, whatever. If you cannot get along, fork. The best fork wins. There are a lot of losers at sourceforge. So what? It is the stuff that gets kept and used that matters.
You are attempting to argue that we must start with experts.
I am arguing that if Wikipedia is alive in ten or twenty years it will have helped develop many of its own experts.
How could the leaders of kernel releases, GNOME, etc.,
fail to be experts in what they do? The success of their projects is sufficient evidence. This doesn't contradict anything I said, moreover.
This circular argument provides no support for your assertion that we simply must start with experts to attract expertise.
Many or most of the experts you cite developed much of their expertise within their projects as they successfully evolved them.
The disanalogy between software and encyclopedia article writing is simply that software has to work. It has to do what it is supposed to do. As software grows in sophistication, this requires huge amounts of expertise. But encyclopedia articles do not work or fail to work; still, very many of them *do* require the attention, at *some* point, of an expert, in order for anyone to be able to trust them reasonably.
The free software creedo is release early and often. This means that it arguably does not work! The users help fix it.
Demonstration is easy. Go to sourceforge and search any category of interest. Download it and attempt to get it to work. Much of it will not even compile. Much of it is extremely buggy. There is a pretty clear correlation that the better it works at doing something useful the more developers and users the project tends to have. This begins a positive feedback loop until its quality delivered is good enough to satisfy most of its users, at which point participation stabilizes or falls off.
Encyclopedia articles clearly do fail or not fail. Each failure is an invitation to an existing contributor or a new reader to make a minor adjustment. The human brain is the best computer design on our planet (by our standards) and each of our readers in the near term has one applied to assessment of our material.
Perhaps we should test an advertising campaign on the front page similar to the "Edit any page, boldly" focus earlier in the project. "Please make a comment on a talk page, your feedback is appreciated and critical for continued content improvement."
(9) Now to address a point that at least three people made. If Wikipedia develops by itself, without any association with any sort of expert- controlled approval mechanism, to the point where it is used regularly by librarians and referred to as a good research source by college professors, I would take that as prima facie proof that a *lot* of experts are involved in Wikipedia.
A tautology. If experts are reading or referring then clearly they are involved with the project, even if they are not the intended target market.
But this is precisely what I predict will not
However, the only evidence that I have detected so far is based upon Academia's irrational dependence on certification and credentials rather than evaluation (and improvement or constructive comment if possible) of the actual content.
The argument seems to be:
P1 The status quo is that credentials are respected, confer respect and attract respected colleagues.
P2 Wikipedia can not be expected to change this by itself.
P3 Many experts (but not all) have credentials and are respected.
Conclusion: The Wikipedia community should take immediate and dramatic action to recruit credentialed and respected experts to *guide* *the free encyclopedia movement*.
Personally I do not see how this follows. Particularly given the fact that we have some local experts in some subjects and participation seems to be on the rise.
Axel and Lee both opined that Wikipedia might be able attract experts to lead it (hopefully not in an official capacity but due to proper respect to their expertise in their areas of expertise)
Hopefully their expertise will allow them to demonstrate the correctness of their position to open minded skeptics. This should indeed build local respect for their abilities.
This would seem to imply first participation, then emergent leadership.
Your argument seems to be that without a priori respect no expertise can be attracted. The existing community would seem to be adequate proof that this is not the case locally.
all on its own, due to the
(eventual) strength of its material. Bootstrapping, as many people have observed.
I'm willing to admit that I could be wrong; I don't have a crystal ball. But, looking at Wikipedia's contents now and comparing it to what I recall from times past, I do have to say that I'm worried. I don't think that in terms of quality, overall, it's getting that much better.
Any quantitative or objective evidence?
But I also
admit the project is still very young and no trends can be reliably predicted.
I disagree. Sufficient data is available or could be collected to reliably project some trends. What reliability do you require? Within ten percent over the next 6 months? Confident of the sign of linear or exponential growth terms? Identification of gain or loss factors?
Notice that I do not claim I could collect the data or create the projections in isolation. Merely that the community could reliably predict some trends if it wished.
That doesn't stop me from being worried, and I think you
should be too. There's nothing utterly magical about the Wikipedia formula that *necessitates* that articles *on the whole* will not reach a level of mediocrity they never excel *on the whole*.
Control engineering is a fairly developed reliable field. Fundamental approaches have been shown to work well both analytically and empirically with predictable results and reliable design methods.
Human systems are much more chaotic than industrial processes. With that caveat noted I would say that we seem to have effective community processes, procedures, and culture that tend to establish two critical feedback processes in a massively random parallel fashion.
1. Friendly dialogue between contributors tends to improve the future contributions.
2. Random, purposeful, and chaotic editing seems predominantly to incrementally improve the local edited content.
Further, with rare exceptions, when and where diminishing returns set in, people seem to branch out or find additional interests or other people to collaborate with to the limit of their willingness to participate.
Your statement above seems to rely on the assumption that new random contributors do not learn to apply editorial judgement and that therefore future improvements beyond the *mediocre* *must* come from recruiting from a different pool of contributors with a higher credential level.
Currently new contributors are self selected, presumably because they see some potential in the project. Surely these self selected enthusiasts are more likely to apply the effort to learn new methods required by the new medium, than stodgy established authorities unwilling to interact on a peer to peer basis with the other community members?
Moreover, there's a reason to think far too many experts won't ever give Wikipedia the attention it needs: it's just not a "form of life" that they're interested in and used to. It's important that we properly come to grips with this fact.
Evolution does not have to be harsh. We do not need to assassinate or convert inattentive experts, merely ignore them. As the Wikipedia improves it is likely to attract sufficient attention to keep improving. As it improves it will eventually attract the notice of even well isolated academic giants.
It is important that we do not modify a working process, project, or community into something which does not work. That way lies "The Fact Factory" or oblivion.
My experience with Nupedia makes me strongly suspect that the ablest possible contributors to the open encyclopedia project need their own project with their own rules, and that it's unwise to expect most academics and professionals anyway (I dealt with many dozens on Nupedia) to be interested in joining a wiki and contributing in that fashion.
So the few we expect to attract should be placed in authority or leadership positions?
Axel, Jules, April, Daniel, and others locally seem to be successfully influencing the community due to their track record of effective participation. Interestingly enough even "24" seems to have exercised some influence, despite anonymity and an abrasive tendency when on the defensive.
If Wikipedia gets behind the notion, it'll happen!
What exactly are you proposing that the Wikipedia community or mailing list do to "get behind the notion"?
Let me take another stab at expressing my current mis-understanding.
Nupedia has a paid professional staff that has atttempted to setup procedures and policy, develop software, and recruit leading academics to the vision of creating the best encyclopedia ever. Presumably ideas from the participating academics/experts regarding how to organize the project, create the material, review it, modify it, publish, etc. have been discussed (ad nauseum?) and some overall consensus or decision implemented, at least partially.
Meanwhile, sometime during this process an idea occurred (between you and an acquaintenance) and Mr. Wales {perhaps advised by other professional staff} agreed to fund the experiment with an open wiki, Wikipedia ... the afterthought.
Now the randomly attracted community of volunteers (seeded by some experts and paid professional effort from Bomis) has managed to self organize, is successfully creating content, and appears to be growing and/or improving slightly. Multiple views and success criteria exist but everybody still contributing seems to agree that progress of some sort is occurring.
You contend that to achieve maximum success, Wikipedia needs *guidance* or *leadership* from the same pool of potential participants from which Nupedia's initial recruiting efforts were aimed at. Otherwise we (the entire free encyclopedia effort) are doomed to mediocrity.
I think this is a premature conclusion.
More specifically, there has been little formal analysis, specification, or agreement regarding actual Wikipedia processes to date. The ensemble is clearly working but it is made of many different approaches and peoples preferences. It is not precisely clear what percentage of the community is using which policies or customs. It is not precisely clear even what rough percentage of the newcomer's, passive readers, or infrequent tweakers even bother to read the orientation material prior to browsing the site. It is clear that google is delivering hits and that some newcomer's will occasionally become contributors. The community and product utility for initial audiences appears to be growing.
To state conclusively that the existing process is infeasible (or has specific limits to specific quality or success criteria which are attainable) would seem to require a decent understanding of the existing system characteristics.
Mike Irwin