Hello Jimbo,
Unfortunatly the french NIC doesnt allow this kind of thing. Upon domain registration you need to provide a document about your company / fundation whatever and you can't register for a name that isn't the name of your company.
I wonder if we could register under the organization of Espéranto-France (www.esperanto-france.org). If we made Wikipedia a subsidiary project of the organization or something like that, then we could probably bypass the problems we're having. Of course, on the other hand, they might be able to give us advice on how we could register such a domain name. Because of our strong Esperanto section, I'm sure they've heard of Wikipedia and would be willing to help. I would also imagine that if we have problems in other countries, we might be able to ask the national Esperanto organizations in these countries for their help as well.
Also, perhaps Alliance Francais (www.alliance-francaise.com) could help. What do you think?
Best wishes, Chuck
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