Mav wrote:
"I simply get bored reviewing edits since the great majority of them (by volume) are good."
It would be less of a burden if each edit was checked only once by a trusted mentor. Now efforts are duplicated since noone knows what has been checked already. Imagine all anonymous edits were put on a queue and people could ask 'show me the oldest x unchecked edits and remove them from the queue'. Only trusted mentors should have access to this function to avoid trolls approving their own edits.
Erik Zachte
On Fri, 2 Jul 2004 14:17:12 +0200, Erik Zachte wrote:
Only trusted mentors should have access to this function to avoid trolls approving their own edits.
"Trusted mentor"? If you're proposing a new permissions bit, how will we go about selecting people to fill the role? What would you say to the (numerous) objections about there being a new role, the confusing and/or evil heirerarchy, and stuff like that?
Or would you rather attach this to the Administrator role? What would the risks of that be, with... <ahemahem> certain administrators whose neutrality have been questioned of late?