The french wikipedia just made it to 50 000 articles today.
I must say... I cheated, so as to ensure I would do the 50 000 article :-) I prepared a collection of stubs and saved them in a row at the right moment :-) The trick was to save the right article for the 50 000...
When I first edited the french wikipedia, it was mostly a collection of stubs, perhaps 5 serious articles and 100 stubs. Then months after months, articles got better, more complete. And while they grew, more and more contributors started complaining against stubs, which they judge dishonest toward the readers and not worth for the project.
In summer 2002 (the wikipedia was still in the first version of the software then, so there was no notion of namespaces, and about 700 pages all included), a new editor joigned, Tim (Athymik). Tim has now left wikipedia.
Tim often wrote stubs; he wrote many in human biology. One day, he wrote a stub, which could even be called substubs, the most famous of which was the article on the apple.
The '''apple''' is a [[fruit]].
This one, and with it, several other articles on fruits (the pear is a fruit etc...) was really borderline :-)
After Tim wrote several of those, some people protested (definitly, me included).
A reference of this discussion is here http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Discuter%3APoire (this is the discussion page of the pear).
The article on the apple is now here : http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pomme
A year later, ''the apple is a fruit'' had become a real article. The pirannah affect was born.
Tim throw a few bits on a page, and the other editors ate them. I think that "the apple is a fruit" became a historical reference.
Later, Tim grew tired of Wikipedia, and after he dropped his sysop status, he left. I regretted him, because we both played a lot having anonymous funny exchanges on Wikipedia.
Today, I made as the 50 000 article, la n�fle, the medlar.
The medlar is a fruit.
The expression "Des n�fles" also means in french "something of little value"
Just as a stub is in itself of little value.
In doing this, the stub-n�fle, I wished to remind editors that if a stub has nothing very exciting, it is a start. Our collective additions give our common project its value.
I also wished to remind that even if Wikipedia is quite young, Wikipedia also has an history. And I wanted to thank all those who brought quite a lot and who are now gone, such as Athymik and so many others, who left some memories, who left content and who are now gone.
Thanks to all of them for what their participation.
I'll see what the n�fle article is in one year from now. Hopefully in 10 years :-) Hehe.
Les plus anciens se souviendront de cette histoire que je vais vous relater. Il existait dans les temps anciens un contributeur nomm� Tim. Tim est parti depuis de long mois maintenant, mais il fut un contributeur important � une �poque.
Dans ces d�buts, la majeure partie de l'encyclop�die �tait constitu� de stubs (je pourrais probablement dire que le projet comptait environ 100 stubs quand je l'�ditait - anonymement - la premi�re fois. Au cours des mois, les articles se sont am�lior�s enrichis. Et de nouveaux contributeurs se sont mis � ronchonner contre les stubs, jug�s peu dignes du projet.
Un jour, Tim �crivit une s�rie de stubs, � la limite de l'indignit�. Un de ces stubs fut celui de la [[pomme]]. Je vous invite � voir l'article de l'�poque : http://fr.wikipedia.org/w/wiki.phtml?title=Pomme&oldid=18085. Apr�s que Tim eu �crit plusieurs articles du m�me genre, plusieurs personnes protest�rent (dont moi, car en effet, ce genre de stub ne m'enchante pas). Vous trouverez une petite r�f�rence ici : http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Discuter%3APoire (la poire ayant subi le m�me outrage que la pomme).
L'effet pirannah �tait n�. Tim jeta en pature quelques miettes, et les autres �diteurs firent le reste. Presque deux ans plus tard, vous pouvez lire ce qu'il deveint de la [[poire]] (certes moins belle que la pomme). Voir ainsi [[Wikip�dia:Effet piranha]].
Puis Tim s'est lass�, et, apr�s avoir quitt� son statut d'admin, il est parti. Je l'ai regrett�, car j'aimais jouer � l'�diteur anonyme avec lui (jeu r�ciproque).
En recr�ant comme 50 000 article la [[n�fle]], j'ai voulu � la fois rappeler aux m�moires que, m�me si un stub n'a rien d'excitant, c'est un point de d�part, et que nos ajouts collectifs donnent sa valeur � notre projet commun. J'ai voulu aussi rappeler que m�me si jeune, Wikip�dia a d�j� une histoire, et remercier ceux qui ont d�j� beaucoup apport�s, et sont partis, comme [[Utilisateur:Athymik]] ou [[Utilisateur:Curry]] (suspendu en plein vol), ou [[Utilisateur:Tibo]] ou tellement d'autres, qui sont pass�s, qui ont laiss� leur trace, et qui sont repartis. Merci � eux et � vous tous :-)
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Hi Anthere!
The french wikipedia just made it to 50 000 articles today.
Great! Congratulations to all the contributors of the French Wikipedia! The German Wikipedia hat a big media boost at that time, I hope there will happen something similar in France.
That's a nice story about the stubs. I think it's important for every Wiki to have some people around from the very beginning of the project, who can tell what the site looked like one, two or three years ago. Especially on VfD I often see newbies complaining about stubs, and sometimes also long-time contributors are frustrated and start complaining that things are getting worse. The truth is: Things are getting better, from day to day. Sometimes I send people to archive.org [1], and they can't believe what they see. :-)
[1] http://web.archive.org/web/*/de.wikipedia.com
--- Anthere anthere9@yahoo.com wrote:
The french wikipedia just made it to 50 000 articles today. ...
-- Le mav :)
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Le Monday 30 August 2004 00:19, Anthere a écrit :
The french wikipedia just made it to 50 000 articles today.
I must say... I cheated, so as to ensure I would do the 50 000 article :-) I prepared a collection of stubs and saved them in a row at the right moment :-) The trick was to save the right article for the 50 000...
Thanks fo your mail, Anthere. The big childs are also the most entertaining. ;o)
Les grands enfants sont aussi les plus plaisants. ;o)
Congratulations ! - Bravo ! :)
I hope the Luxembourgish Wiki will achieve this goal in a few years (so far, we're 7 editors...quite a lot of work :) - J'espère que la Wiki luxembourgeoise arrivera un jour à ce point (bon, probablement dans quelques années puisqu'on est qu'à 7 à éditer, beaucoup de boulot à faire :)
On Sun, 29 Aug 2004 15:19:11 -0700 (PDT), Anthere wrote
The french wikipedia just made it to 50 000 articles today.
I must say... I cheated, so as to ensure I would do the 50 000 article :-) I prepared a collection of stubs and saved them in a row at the right moment :-) The trick was to save the right article for the 50 000...
When I first edited the french wikipedia, it was mostly a collection of stubs, perhaps 5 serious articles and 100 stubs. Then months after months, articles got better, more complete. And while they grew, more and more contributors started complaining against stubs, which they judge dishonest toward the readers and not worth for the project.
In summer 2002 (the wikipedia was still in the first version of the software then, so there was no notion of namespaces, and about 700 pages all included), a new editor joigned, Tim (Athymik). Tim has now left wikipedia.
Tim often wrote stubs; he wrote many in human biology. One day, he wrote a stub, which could even be called substubs, the most famous of which was the article on the apple.
The '''apple''' is a [[fruit]].
This one, and with it, several other articles on fruits (the pear is a fruit etc...) was really borderline :-)
After Tim wrote several of those, some people protested (definitly, me included).
A reference of this discussion is here http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Discuter%3APoire (this is the discussion page of the pear).
The article on the apple is now here : http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pomme
A year later, ''the apple is a fruit'' had become a real article. The pirannah affect was born.
Tim throw a few bits on a page, and the other editors ate them. I think that "the apple is a fruit" became a historical reference.
Later, Tim grew tired of Wikipedia, and after he dropped his sysop status, he left. I regretted him, because we both played a lot having anonymous funny exchanges on Wikipedia.
Today, I made as the 50 000 article, la nèfle, the medlar.
The medlar is a fruit.
The expression "Des nèfles" also means in french "something of little value"
Just as a stub is in itself of little value.
In doing this, the stub-nèfle, I wished to remind editors that if a stub has nothing very exciting, it is a start. Our collective additions give our common project its value.
I also wished to remind that even if Wikipedia is quite young, Wikipedia also has an history. And I wanted to thank all those who brought quite a lot and who are now gone, such as Athymik and so many others, who left some memories, who left content and who are now gone.
Thanks to all of them for what their participation.
I'll see what the nèfle article is in one year from now. Hopefully in 10 years :-) Hehe.
Les plus anciens se souviendront de cette histoire que je vais vous relater. Il existait dans les temps anciens un contributeur nommé Tim. Tim est parti depuis de long mois maintenant, mais il fut un contributeur important à une époque.
Dans ces débuts, la majeure partie de l'encyclopédie était constitué de stubs (je pourrais probablement dire que le projet comptait environ 100 stubs quand je l'éditait - anonymement - la première fois. Au cours des mois, les articles se sont améliorés enrichis. Et de nouveaux contributeurs se sont mis à ronchonner contre les stubs, jugés peu dignes du projet.
Un jour, Tim écrivit une série de stubs, à la limite de l'indignité. Un de ces stubs fut celui de la [[pomme]]. Je vous invite à voir l'article de l'époque : http://fr.wikipedia.org/w/wiki.phtml?title=Pomme&oldid=18085. Après que Tim eu écrit plusieurs articles du même genre, plusieurs personnes protestèrent (dont moi, car en effet, ce genre de stub ne m'enchante pas). Vous trouverez une petite référence ici : http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Discuter%3APoire (la poire ayant subi le même outrage que la pomme).
L'effet pirannah était né. Tim jeta en pature quelques miettes, et les autres éditeurs firent le reste. Presque deux ans plus tard, vous pouvez lire ce qu'il deveint de la [[poire]] (certes moins belle que la pomme). Voir ainsi [[Wikipédia:Effet piranha]].
Puis Tim s'est lassé, et, après avoir quitté son statut d'admin, il est parti. Je l'ai regretté, car j'aimais jouer à l'éditeur anonyme avec lui (jeu réciproque).
En recréant comme 50 000 article la [[nèfle]], j'ai voulu à la fois rappeler aux mémoires que, même si un stub n'a rien d'excitant, c'est un point de départ, et que nos ajouts collectifs donnent sa valeur à notre projet commun. J'ai voulu aussi rappeler que même si jeune, Wikipédia a déjà une histoire, et remercier ceux qui ont déjà beaucoup apportés, et sont partis, comme [[Utilisateur:Athymik]] ou [[Utilisateur:Curry]] (suspendu en plein vol), ou [[Utilisateur:Tibo]] ou tellement d'autres, qui sont passés, qui ont laissé leur trace, et qui sont repartis. Merci à eux et à vous tous :-)
_______________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Win 1 of 4,000 free domain names from Yahoo! Enter now. http://promotions.yahoo.com/goldrush _______________________________________________ Wikipedia-l mailing list Wikipedia-l@Wikimedia.org http://mail.wikipedia.org/mailman/listinfo/wikipedia-l
-- Open WebMail Project (http://openwebmail.org)
I think we were roughly 7 when I joined fr.
And I think the english wikipedia was about 50 000 articles when I joined it. It seemed a huge place then :-)
This is a special treat to see a wiki transform from a homy place to a big one, from a place where we all know each other to a rather anonymous crowd. It is fascinating :-) I am sure the Luxembourgish Wiki will be very big before you know it... but take the best moments of now when you are small as well.
Ewen Caroline a écrit:
Congratulations ! - Bravo ! :)
I hope the Luxembourgish Wiki will achieve this goal in a few years (so far, we're 7 editors...quite a lot of work :) - J'espère que la Wiki luxembourgeoise arrivera un jour à ce point (bon, probablement dans quelques années puisqu'on est qu'à 7 à éditer, beaucoup de boulot à faire :)
On Sun, 29 Aug 2004 15:19:11 -0700 (PDT), Anthere wrote
The french wikipedia just made it to 50 000 articles today.
I must say... I cheated, so as to ensure I would do the 50 000 article :-) I prepared a collection of stubs and saved them in a row at the right moment :-) The trick was to save the right article for the 50 000...
When I first edited the french wikipedia, it was mostly a collection of stubs, perhaps 5 serious articles and 100 stubs. Then months after months, articles got better, more complete. And while they grew, more and more contributors started complaining against stubs, which they judge dishonest toward the readers and not worth for the project.
In summer 2002 (the wikipedia was still in the first version of the software then, so there was no notion of namespaces, and about 700 pages all included), a new editor joigned, Tim (Athymik). Tim has now left wikipedia.
Tim often wrote stubs; he wrote many in human biology. One day, he wrote a stub, which could even be called substubs, the most famous of which was the article on the apple.
The '''apple''' is a [[fruit]].
This one, and with it, several other articles on fruits (the pear is a fruit etc...) was really borderline :-)
After Tim wrote several of those, some people protested (definitly, me included).
A reference of this discussion is here http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Discuter%3APoire (this is the discussion page of the pear).
The article on the apple is now here : http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pomme
A year later, ''the apple is a fruit'' had become a real article. The pirannah affect was born.
Tim throw a few bits on a page, and the other editors ate them. I think that "the apple is a fruit" became a historical reference.
Later, Tim grew tired of Wikipedia, and after he dropped his sysop status, he left. I regretted him, because we both played a lot having anonymous funny exchanges on Wikipedia.
Today, I made as the 50 000 article, la nèfle, the medlar.
The medlar is a fruit.
The expression "Des nèfles" also means in french "something of little value"
Just as a stub is in itself of little value.
In doing this, the stub-nèfle, I wished to remind editors that if a stub has nothing very exciting, it is a start. Our collective additions give our common project its value.
I also wished to remind that even if Wikipedia is quite young, Wikipedia also has an history. And I wanted to thank all those who brought quite a lot and who are now gone, such as Athymik and so many others, who left some memories, who left content and who are now gone.
Thanks to all of them for what their participation.
I'll see what the nèfle article is in one year from now. Hopefully in 10 years :-) Hehe.
Les plus anciens se souviendront de cette histoire que je vais vous relater. Il existait dans les temps anciens un contributeur nommé Tim. Tim est parti depuis de long mois maintenant, mais il fut un contributeur important à une époque.
Dans ces débuts, la majeure partie de l'encyclopédie était constitué de stubs (je pourrais probablement dire que le projet comptait environ 100 stubs quand je l'éditait - anonymement - la première fois. Au cours des mois, les articles se sont améliorés enrichis. Et de nouveaux contributeurs se sont mis à ronchonner contre les stubs, jugés peu dignes du projet.
Un jour, Tim écrivit une série de stubs, à la limite de l'indignité. Un de ces stubs fut celui de la [[pomme]]. Je vous invite à voir l'article de l'époque : http://fr.wikipedia.org/w/wiki.phtml?title=Pomme&oldid=18085. Après que Tim eu écrit plusieurs articles du même genre, plusieurs personnes protestèrent (dont moi, car en effet, ce genre de stub ne m'enchante pas). Vous trouverez une petite référence ici : http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Discuter%3APoire (la poire ayant subi le même outrage que la pomme).
L'effet pirannah était né. Tim jeta en pature quelques miettes, et les autres éditeurs firent le reste. Presque deux ans plus tard, vous pouvez lire ce qu'il deveint de la [[poire]] (certes moins belle que la pomme). Voir ainsi [[Wikipédia:Effet piranha]].
Puis Tim s'est lassé, et, après avoir quitté son statut d'admin, il est parti. Je l'ai regretté, car j'aimais jouer à l'éditeur anonyme avec lui (jeu réciproque).
En recréant comme 50 000 article la [[nèfle]], j'ai voulu à la fois rappeler aux mémoires que, même si un stub n'a rien d'excitant, c'est un point de départ, et que nos ajouts collectifs donnent sa valeur à notre projet commun. J'ai voulu aussi rappeler que même si jeune, Wikipédia a déjà une histoire, et remercier ceux qui ont déjà beaucoup apportés, et sont partis, comme [[Utilisateur:Athymik]] ou [[Utilisateur:Curry]] (suspendu en plein vol), ou [[Utilisateur:Tibo]] ou tellement d'autres, qui sont passés, qui ont laissé leur trace, et qui sont repartis. Merci à eux et à vous tous :-)
_______________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Win 1 of 4,000 free domain names from Yahoo! Enter now. http://promotions.yahoo.com/goldrush _______________________________________________ Wikipedia-l mailing list Wikipedia-l@Wikimedia.org http://mail.wikipedia.org/mailman/listinfo/wikipedia-l
-- Open WebMail Project (http://openwebmail.org)
Bah. What's the big deal about fifty articles? ;)
(Only kidding. Kudos to fr:.)