Hello Mark,
I'm not sure about this new user, but IMO, from the errors he/she makes, I'd say he/she does not speak Romanian/Moldovan natively.
I just read one of his one-liners (Kamenka) and here are the errors:
* "locuieshte" instead of "locuiesc" (grammar mistake) * "mai mult decat" instead of "peste" (different meaning) * "funccioneaza" instead of "functzioneaza" (spelling mistake) * "ocupatz'" instead of "ocupatzi" (spelling mistake) * "care sunt ocupatzi in general in domeniul agriculturii" (not an error, but awkward usage of the language)
Anyway, I don't see how would one user affect this. :-)
Saturday, June 24, 2006, 6:43:59 PM, you wrote:
MW> Their username is written in Moldovan Cyrillic. I don't know whether MW> or not they're a native speaker, but they are the first person in a MW> while besides me to create new pages in correctly-spelt Moldovan.
MW> I know I will get accusations from the Romanian camp of sockpuppetry; MW> I assure you this is not my sockpuppet, you may check if you would MW> like.
MW> Whoever this is, though, they've certainly made this whole thing more MW> interesting for me, at least.