Andre Engels wrote:
2007/5/7, Walter van Kalken
That's not the point. You or another arbcommember should have told me a "process" was started. As it stands, NO ARBCOMMEMBER informed me. No Arbcommember asked me for my side. The other party was asked as they had obviously responded.
No, they weren't asked. Apparently they found it by themselves.
Well I can read clearly in other cases that people WERE ASKED to give their view to the arbcom (See Torero's talkpage for example) How can a judge judge without hearing the accused parties? The nl-arbcom would fit in perfectly will within the neighbouring country to Thailand, where people are tried without a hearing and locked up.
I was not told of the outcome not on my talkpage nor in Mail.
That's true, that was a mistake on our side.
I hope you learn from that mistake and find a way to correct past errors.
You have my mailadress