On 28/03/07, Jan Marozau janmarozau@gmail.com wrote:
2007/3/28, Yury Tarasievich yury.tarasievich@gmail.com:
You mean letter ґ, don't you? But it's not used widely by belarusian wikipedians, who write in tarashkevica.
It's used quite widely. Anyway, it's there, and it's introduced in the places even the Belarusian phonology doesn't know about.
The difference is really quite small. Mostly in usage of ь, declension of nouns and some other trifles.
Oh yeah. People study for years to get all those "trifles" right, and you forget revamping half the vocabulary, anyway.
The point is that both grammars are used in old variant of wikipedia.
No, they are not. Standard version was from beginning kept as the second grade language. No categories, no interface, no rules etc.
Rules imposing maintaining of the version of the language article's written in, with clause mandating asking the permission of the previous author -- in Wikipedia, good grief! That was the whole point of the 2006 yeras discussions on Meta and be: -- see archives.