Jacky, you were told to drop this, remember? Fred Bauder said he believes you, but that it doesn't matter.
The message was obviously not meant to be sent to the list, but since it was I shall translate.
Salut Ronline,
Nu stiu daca ai urmarit ultima discutie referitoare la wikipedia moldoveneasca, dar la un moment dat Mark Williamson mi-a trimis un mesaj injurios.
Hi Ronline,
I don't know if you've been following the most recent discussion about the Moldovan Wikipedia, but at one point Mark Williamson sent me an offensive message.
Acum, vor si altii sa il vada, in cont, ca sa se asigure ca intr-adevar el l-a trimis. Insa e vorba de un cont Yahoo, si deci daca dau acces la el si e sters mesajul nu mai am "dovada". :)
Now, I want to make sure that others can see what he has sent. I am using a Yahoo account, and I can give you access to it and delete all personal messages.
Am deci nevoie de un trustee, un user respectat pe wikipedia, care sa se uite primul si sa vada mesajul acolo. Apoi, poate sa se uite cine o vrea.
I need a trustee, a respected Wikipedian, who can see the message there.
Ai putea, te rog, sa fii trustee in directia asta? Daca da, iti trimit parola, te uiti, si eventual faci o copie a mesajului.
Can you please be the trustee? If yes, I shall send you the password and a copy of the message.