. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . till we *) . . .
I really think this is an over-valued conflict, but why not make a screenshot of the message in the yahoo-account (yes that can be forged, too), best showing also the message headers, and upload that to META or COMMONS?
The correct translation follows. Sorry, but half truths are often worse than an outright lie.
Salut Ronline,
Nu stiu daca ai urmarit ultima discutie
referitoare la
wikipedia moldoveneasca, dar la un moment dat
Williamson mi-a trimis un mesaj injurios.
Hello Ronline,
I do not know if you've been following the last discussion on the Moldovan wikipedia, but at one point Mark Williamson sent me an offensive message.
Acum, vor si altii sa il vada, in cont, ca sa se asigure ca intr-adevar el l-a trimis. Insa e
un cont Yahoo, si deci daca dau acces la el si e
mesajul nu mai am "dovada". :)
Now, some others want to see the message in the account, so that they can be sure he sent it. But it's a Yahoo account, so that if I give access to it and the message is deleted there is no more "proof". :)
Am deci nevoie de un trustee, un user respectat
wikipedia, care sa se uite primul si sa vada
acolo. Apoi, poate sa se uite cine o vrea.
Therefore, I need a trustee, a respected wikipedia user, to look there first and see the message there. Then, anybody can take a look.
Ai putea, te rog, sa fii trustee in directia
Daca da, iti trimit parola, te uiti, si eventual
o copie a mesajului.
Can you, please, be the trustee on this matter? If yes, I will send you the password, you take a look, and possibly make a copy of the message.
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