In case you didn't realise, this was tongue-in-cheek. Don't feel obliged to reply.
On Sun, 2007-04-15 at 19:25 +0100, Francis Tyers wrote:
At least the other side of the issue isn't anti-Semitic. And another thing about the rise of the Nazis was the acceptance of other "points of view" that seemed reprehensible, because "everyone had a right to his or her opinion".
Now, I don't particularly care if these people want to espouse Holocaust denial, anti-Semitism, crackpot conspiracy theories... but should we really be giving them server space for it? Would they not be better off with a geocities page somewhere?
On Sun, 2007-04-15 at 11:15 -0700, Ray Saintonge wrote:
Francis Tyers wrote:
Here is an interesting AfD: 9Fi_ororile_comise_de_comuni%C5%9Ftii_evrei_%C3%AEmpotriva_rom%C3% A2nilor_%C3%AEn_timpul_evacu%C4%83rii_din_Basarabia_%C5%9Fi_Bucovina_% C3%AEn_1940
"Crimele şi ororile comise de comuniştii evrei împotriva românilor în timpul evacuării din Basarabia şi Bucovina în 1940"
Crimes and horrors commited by communist Jews against Romanians in the time of the evacuation of Bessarabia and Bukovina in 1940".
Pretty much everyone who voted against the deletion of this article is a lost cause and should probably be banned:
This is a frightful attitude! It's the kind of attitude that leads to the same kind of problem from the opposite side of the issue. Democratic systems do not support punishing people for voting the "wrong way" no matter how reprehensible the position they seem to support.
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