It is interesting to note you stated the info on racialism was probably coming from "My Kampf", and
It was a joke on a talk page. Please don't put my sentence outside the context
Right Aoineko. Calling someone "Philippe Kampf" is NO JOKE. Especially after all the words you have used to depict him. Or it means we have a very different definition of what a joke is. Then we should try an article on jokes, that might be interesting to give examples
There is nothing to justify the insults you use
There is nothing to justify incitement to racism
There is nothing to justify insulting people and calling them bad names. It only leads to exasparation, suffering and escalation of violence. We are lucky Philippe is not replying to your insults with further insults. What would you do then ? Would you consider using even nastier insults, or calling the cops ?
For all I know, by "french law" calling someone "Kampf" or any other of the nice names you have used is *also* punishable. Check the last legal actions on these subjects. You might just as well be liable too. Think about it.
But apart from legal matters, for which I don't care much, don't do to others what you would not want others to do with you. At least that is what the Bible taught us. I believe that's a valid suggestion.
And a Wikip�dia where grown-up throw such words to each others faces is definitly not a place I would recommand to anybody, if only my kids. So please Aoineko, for the sake of peace, give up the insults.
Sur un autre th�me, tes traits 33%
1. Il m'a sembl� que l'essentiel des d�veloppeurs souhaitaient s'�loigner du html. Donc l'�criture actuelle n'est pas la bonne, il faut en proposer une autre.
2. De facon tr�s personnelle, l'�criture html me pose probl�me car tr�s mal interpr�t� par Op�ra qui transforme les < et > en garbages caracters assez fr�quemment. pour cette raison, je ne touche pratiquement jamais � la page d'accueil, ou aux pages contenant des tableaux, car je les d�truis. Si tu ajoutes partout ce genre de petites barres, je ne pourrais plus non plus toucher aux articles... c'est d�finitivement une raison pour mettre pour etre compte la proposition actuelle :-)
3. Si cette option est ajout�e, elle doit l'�tre sur toutes les wikip�dia, pas uniquement sur la francophone. Si elle est rejet�e, elle doit l'�tre partout. Apr�s, si elle est disponible, elle peut etre plus ou moins utilis�e sur les diff�rentes wikip�dia, c'est un autre probl�me
Donc, il faut que plus de personnes soient d'accord. Je le serais si une autre �criture (facile et interne � Wikip�dia) est adopt�e, car cela apporte une certaine �l�gance qui a son int�r�t et qui me plait. Okay ?
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