Oh, no! Don't make this about me! I took all possible precautions in all my previous messages not to make it about you--as a matter of fact, not to make it about anyone. Also, I made it clear in my first message on this topic in the other thread this was not about my entry not winning. And finally, you're not talking about my submission in your message,
Oh. I must have confused you with Stygian. Sorry about that. You both seem to be among the more professional designers. I did like the Fibonacci spiral, but (ironically) thought it was too complex as well.
Can you really not see that the ultimate refinement process, judging by what happened so far, would be to add centipedes, neon lights, ants, a search button, lens flare, a kidney and a supernova to the current proposal?
Sorry, I can't see that. Do you think that such proposals would find consensus? I believe there's a general wide perception that Paullusmagnus' logo, while good in concept, has too much and too narrowly placed information. If that is so, then why should it not be possible to leverage this widely shared perception into a positive change?