Bij dezen een herhaalde oproep betreffende de verkiezing van de
arbitragecommissie. De voorstelling van kandidaten duurt nog tot 15
februari 0:00 (CET). Tot die tijd kun je je kandidaat stellen op [1],
mits je voldoet aan de voorwaarden. Deze zijn dat je een geregistreerd
gebruiker bent, je minimaal negen maanden voor aanvang van de stemming
je eerste bewerking hebt gedaan en dat je in totaal meer dan 1000
bewerkingen hebt gedaan. Vandalisme telt niet als bewerking.
Vannacht, 1 februari om 0:00 (CET), start de verkiezing 2008 van leden
van de arbitragecommissie met de voorstelling van kandidaten. Deze ronde
loopt tot 15 februari 0:00 (CET), d.w.z. de nacht van 14 op 15 februari,
waarna op 16 februari om 0:00 (CET) een stemming start. Deze duurt tot
23 februari 0:00 (CET) en zal worden gevolgd door de uitslag.
Als je je kandidaat wilt stellen, kan dat op [1], mits je voldoet aan de
voorwaarden. Deze zijn dat je een geregistreerd gebruiker bent, je
minimaal negen maanden voor aanvang van de stemming je eerste bewerking
hebt gedaan en dat je in totaal meer dan 1000 bewerkingen hebt gedaan.
Vandalisme telt niet als bewerking.
Om te mogen stemmen moet je een geregistreerd gebruiker zijn, minimaal
één maand voor aanvang van de stemming je eerste bewerking hebben gedaan
en in totaal meer dan 100 bewerkingen hebben gedaan. Vandalisme telt
niet als bewerking. Je kunt stemmen op [2].
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Casey Brown <>
Date: 2 feb. 2008 15:15
Subject: [Wikimania-program] Wikimania 2008: Call for Participation
To: "Wikimania general list (open subscription)"
<wikimania-l(a)>, Wikimedia Foundation Mailing List
<foundation-l(a)>, English Wikipedia
<wikipedia-l(a)>, English Wikipedia
<wikien-l(a)>, Program committee list
Please circulate this call among Wikimedia communities, researchers
and other people that may be interested! This call is also online at
== Wikimania 2008: Call for Participation ==
[[w:Wikimania|Wikimania]] is an annual global event devoted to
[[foundation:Main Page|Wikimedia]] projects around the globe
(including [[w:Main page|Wikipedia]], [[:w:b:en:Main page|Wikibooks]],
[[:w:s:en:Main page|Wikisource]], [[:en:n:Main page|Wikinews]],
[[:w:wikt:en:Main page|Wiktionary]], [[:w:v:en:Main
page|Wikiversity]], [[:m:q:en:Main page|Wikiquote]], [[:species:Main
page|Wikispecies]], and [[:commons:Main page|Wikimedia Commons]]) and
for its editors and users to gather, meet each other, exchange ideas,
and report on research and projects. It is a community event, which
is also open to the public and to researchers. This year's conference
will be held from '''July 17-19, 2008''' in
[[w:Alexandria|Alexandria]], [[w:Egypt|Egypt]] at the new Library of
Alexandria ([[w:Bibliotheca Alexandrina|Bibliotheca Alexandrina]]).
For more information, please visit the Wikimania 2008 Home page at
We are accepting submissions for presentations, workshops, panels,
posters, open spaces, and artistic artifacts. Please carefully follow
the submission guidelines below. Submissions can be sent via the
following link:
=== Important dates ===
* 1 February – 16 March : Submission
* 17 March – 30 April : Review, feedback and notification of acceptance
* 17 – 19 July 2007 : '''Wikimania'''
=== Conference Tracks ===
Submissions should address one or more of the following themes:
; Wikimedia Communities : Interesting projects and particularities
within the communities; policy creation within individual projects;
conflict resolution and community dynamics; reputation and identity;
multi-lingualism, languages and cultures; social studies. We
explicitly invite you to discuss your local Wikimedia project's
; Free Knowledge : Open access to information; ways to gather and
distribute free knowledge, usage of the Wikimedia projects in
education, journalism, research; ways to improve content quality and
usability; copyright laws and other legal areas that interfere with
Wikimedia projects. Free Content in the Middle-East/Africa.
; Technical infrastructure : Issues related to MediaWiki development
and extensions; Wikimedia's technical infrastructure; new ideas for
development (including case studies from other wikis or similar
; Scientific track : Papers about massively collaborative work, open
and free content creation, community dynamics, the social or economic
aspects of the Wikimedia projects, and other topics related to
Wikimedia projects. Papers submitted to the scientific track will be
peer reviewed by a reviewing committee regarding their novelty,
rigour, and estimated impact, and accepted or rejected based on these
reviews. The papers will be published in proceedings afterwards, and
depending on the number and the quality of the submissions, a journal
special issue may be pursued. Scientific track papers must be in
English, and must not exceed 7,500 words (or 15 pages LNCS).
Your topic must be related either to the Wikimedia projects and their
communities, or to the creation of free content in general.
=== Types of Submissions ===
We are seeking submissions for
* presentations (10–30 minute talks with discussion afterwards)
* workshops (60–120 minute session with more involvement of the audience)
* panels (group of 2-5 speakers to discuss on a specific subject)
* posters (printed presentations or visual displays that can stand on their own)
* artistic artifacts (plays, competitions, comedy, visualizations, or
other representations of some aspect of the projects)
In addition there will the possibility to give [[lightning talks]] (5
minute short presentations). These will be organized on the Wikimania
2008 wiki without need to submit via the submission system.
=== Submission Guidelines ===
Wikimania is organized by volunteers, so please help us minimize
wasted effort by submitting via the [[submission]] system and
following these guidelines. All submissions MUST explicitly include
the following:
# an English "Event title"
# a short English "Abstract" of your event in 50 to 100 words. The
abstract will be used for the public schedule.
# the "Track" your submission fits in best (Wikimedia Communities,
Free Knowledge, Technical infrastructure, or Scientific)
# the "Event type" (presentation, workshop, panel, poster, artistic...)
# information about the speaker (full name, email, a short description
of at least 2 sentences...)
# for submissions to the scientific track: set "Submission of paper
for proceedings" to "yes" and upload a paper instead of the
"Description" below as "Attachment". Papers must be in English, and
must not exceed 7,500 words.
In addition you can add some more information like a a subtitle of the
event, an image (will be resized to 128x128px) and private "Submission
notes" for reviewers and conference organisation. In particular you
should give:
* a more detailed "Description" of your event in English or Arabic.
The description is essential for review: please give an overview of
the areas to be covered or taught. The better you describe your
submission, the more likely it will get accepted. State clearly the
relevance to the Wikimedia projects and whether submission concerns a
specific wiki project. You can also include links. The description
will later be used for the public schedule but you can edit it before.
* special requirements (such as equipment for a workshop or panel) if needed
* the language used for presentation
* whether you want to submit a paper for proceedings
* whether you want to submit presentation slides
* whether the presentation is intended to be a specific length
* the target audience you are going to reach and what previous
knowledge is needed
* images or sketches of the poster or artistic artifact if available
* for panel submissions a suggested moderator and short biographies of
each suggested panelist
In the "Submission notes" you should tell us whether you will attend
to Wikimania (a) surely, (b) probably, (c) only if your submission is
accepted, or (d) only if we provide travel and/or accommodation. You
can also add yourself to the public list of attendees at the Wikimania
2008 wiki:
Please note that all submissions must be dual licensed under the GNU
Free Documentation License version 1.2 or later ''and'' the Creative
Commons Attribution License! By submitting for Wikimania 2008 you
agree to this condition.
For more information see the submission guidelines at
Once you are sure you have included all of the required information,
please send your submission before the respective deadline through our
'''submission system''':
== See also ==
* About the venue:
* Brainstorming page for program ideas:
* Editable list of attendees:
Wikimania-program mailing list
On Jan 4, 2008 12:21 AM, Brion Vibber <brion(a)> wrote:
> Is anyone interested in a Wikimedia / MediaWiki / whatever meet at the
> FOSDEM conf in Brussels? (23-24 February 2008)
> May be a little late to get people organized that aren't already
> planning to go, but I imagine some interested parties are already going
> and it might be nice to try to arrange something.
> -- brion vibber (brion @
> _______________________________________________
> Wikitech-l mailing list
> Wikitech-l(a)
ter info
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Moeller <erik(a)>
Date: Dec 13, 2007 9:49 PM
Subject: [Textbook-l] Wikis Go Printable: Wikimedia/PediaPress/COL/OSI
To: Wikimedia Foundation Mailing List <foundation-l(a)>,
Wikimedia textbook discussion <textbook-l(a)>
FYI - please forward :-)
New open source technology will bring content from Wikipedia,
WikiEducator, and other wikis to the world of paper.
DECEMBER 13, 2007 - ST. PETERSBURG, FLORIDA: The Wikimedia Foundation
today announced a partnership that will make it possible to obtain
high quality print and word processor copies of articles from
Wikipedia and other wiki educational resources. The development of the
underlying open source software is supported by the Open Society
Institute ( and the Commonwealth of Learning
(, and led by, a start-up company based in
"This technology is of key strategic importance to the cause of free
education world-wide," said Sue Gardner, Executive Director of the
Wikimedia Foundation. "It will make it possible to use and remix wiki
content for a variety of purposes, both in the developing and the
developed world, in areas with connectivity and without."
Deployment of the technology will happen in three stages. The first
stage, launched today, is a public beta test running on of functionality for remixing collections of wiki
pages and downloading them in the PDF format. WikiEducator is a
project hosted by the Commonwealth of Learning and uses the same wiki
technology as Wikipedia.
"These tools have the potential to transform and improve the way we
author and share distance education materials, textbooks and other
learning resources -- I'm thrilled that the WikiEducator will be the
first online community to implement them," said Wayne Mackintosh,
Ph.D., an education specialist for the Commonwealth of Learning and
founder of the WikiEducator project.
The second stage, planned for early 2008, will be the deployment of
the technology on the projects hosted by the Wikimedia Foundation,
including Wikipedia. At this point, users will also be given the
option to order printed copies of wiki content directly from "The integration into Wikipedia will be a milestone
for print-on-demand technology. Users will literally be empowered to
print their own encyclopedias", according to Heiko Hees, product
manager at
The third stage, planned for mid-2008, will be the addition of the
OpenDocument format for word processors to the list of export formats.
"Imagine that you want to use a set of wiki articles in the classroom.
By supporting the OpenDocument format, we will make it easy for
educators to customize and remix content before printing and
distributing it from any desktop computer," Sue Gardner explained.
This work is funded through a US$40,000 grant by the Open Society
The technology developed through this cooperation will be available
under an open source license, free for anyone to use for any purpose.
It ties into the MediaWiki platform, the open source technology that
runs Wikipedia. As a result, thousands of wiki platforms around the
world will have the option of providing the same services to their
For more information, please contact Sandra Ordonez at (727) 231-0101,
or email her at: sordonez AT wikimedia DOT org
The Wikimedia Foundation Inc. is a nonprofit charitable organization
dedicated to encouraging the growth, development and distribution of
free, multilingual content, and to providing the full content of these
wiki-based projects to the public free of charge. It operates some of
the largest collaboratively-edited reference projects in the world,
including Wikipedia, one of the world's 10 most-visited websites. The
Foundation was created in 2003 by Jimmy Wales, the founder of
COL is an intergovernmental organisation created by Commonwealth Heads
of Government to encourage the development and sharing of open
learning and distance education knowledge, resources and technologies.
The Open Society Institute (OSI), a private operating and grantmaking
foundation, aims to shape public policy to promote democratic
governance, human rights, and economic, legal, and social reform. On a
local level, OSI implements a range of initiatives to support the rule
of law, education, public health, and independent media. At the same
time, OSI works to build alliances across borders and continents on
issues such as combating corruption and rights abuses.
PediaPress is a startup creating technology and services that make it
easy to derive printed books from wiki content. The company is located
in Mainz, Germany and has entered a long term partnership with the
Wikimedia Foundation.
Textbook-l mailing list
*edito ergo sum*
Artikeltje op ZDnet over virussen. Er is daar een vermelding van Wikipedia;
"Malware-auteurs zijn ondertussen ook mee met de Web 2.0-trend, zegt
Kaspersky: "We hebben al geweten dat de links bij een
Wikipedia-artikel rechtstreeks naar een besmette pagina leiden."
Een verassing is dat niet maar wel van belang om daar van bewust van
te zijn als mogelijk motief voor het plaatsen van een externe link.
Als verdediging hebben we een globale en lokale blacklist. Zou wel
nuttig zijn als er een bot zou zijn die automatisch de nieuw
toegevoegde externe links zou opvragen en een poging zou doen om te
testen of daar iets verdachts mee is. Niet dat die alles zou vinden,
het is toch iets dan.
Contact: walter AT wikizine DOT org - news for and about the Wikimedia community
== onduidelijkheden over het quorum in de
[[Wikipedia:Stemlokaal/Vereenvoudiging Richtlijnen voor Moderatoren|lopende
stemming]]? ==
over het quorum]]
over het quorum]]
*[[Wikipedia:Stemlokaal/Aanpassing_stemprocedure|de in de aanloop tot deze
stemming aangepaste stemprocedure]]
*"het is beter niet te stemmen want anders wordt het quorum gehaald"
**het quorum geldt per stemoptie, en op dit moment is er weliswaar een grote
meerderheid, maar die is betekenisloos ondanks 35 voorstemmen, omdat er
"'minimaal 50 voorstemmen nodig'' zijn (ja, dat was inderdaad niet aangepast
in de aanloop tot deze stemming, en gebaseerd op de oude regels)
*"het is beter niet te stemmen, want bij niet halen van het quorum mag er
eerder dan 6 maanden worden gestemd over een nieuw voorstel"
**volgens mij pertinent onjuist, want ''ook als het quorum wordt gehaald, is
er sprake van een in goede orde afgeronde stemming, en kan er niet binnen 6
maanden opnieuw over hetzelfde worden gestemd''.
**binnenkort over een ander voorstel stemmen maar ''wie'' zullen dat
schrijven? de huidige stemming is tot stand gekomen dankzij uitgebreid
overleg sinds september door tientallen wikipedianen, en een gecoördineerd
resultaat van een samenwerking van velen. al degenen die hiervoor de moeite
namen stellen imho elke uitgebrachte stem op prijs, of hij nu voor tegen of
neutraal is. het resultaat van het gezamenlijke overleg ligt ter beoordeling
voor, niets meer, niets minder.
**binnen 6 maanden over ''welk'' voorstel stemmen? er is al jaren niets meer
veranderd aan de richtlijnen, terwijl iedereen er al jaren over klaagt! vele
zeer gewaardeerde gebruikers hebben dan ook de moed opgegeven daartoe nog
een poging te wagen. ik verwacht persoonlijk zeker binnenkort geen ander
voorstel tenzij door een enkeling geschreven.
'''(open) vragen:'''
*heb je al gestemd? (zo nee, waarom niet?)
*waarom stemmen de meeste moderatoren niet?
o ja, "wikipedia is geen democratie". maar er worden wel degelijk voor dit
soort gevallen democratische principes gehanteerd en gerespecteerd, daar is
het peilen en stemmen uiteindelijk ook op geënt.
maar: ''democratie werkt alleen indien er van voldoende [[participatie]]
sprake is: '''laat uw stem dus toch vooral horen''''', ook omdat een
complete stemming leermateriaal voor de toekomst biedt, en een incomplete de
al jarenlang vastgeroeste regels in nog hogere mate conserveert... genoeg
nu, hopelijk is er iig meer duidelijkheid omtrent geldigheid en quorum nu.
succes met je keuze en groetjes, [[User:Oscar|oscar]] 21 nov 2007 08:25
*edito ergo sum*
ter informatie
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Majorly <axel9891(a)>
Date: Nov 12, 2007 1:47 PM
Subject: [Foundation-l] Steward elections
To: foundation-l(a)
This is a very informal notice that elections for new stewards are due to
commence on 26 November. Candidates may nominate themselves from today:
please see for
instructions, and for who can
apply. In brief, you must be above the age of 18 on the final day of the
election (16th December), have an account on Meta-Wiki, and be willing to
identify yourself to the Foundation.
Anyone with three or more months experience on any project may vote or
stand, as long as there is a link between their Meta account and their main
project account.
As well as electing new stewards, the current ones are also being
reconfirmed, as is steward policy. Current stewards should write something
in their candidate page if they haven't already.
Thanks for your time.
Alex (Majorly)
foundation-l mailing list
*edito ergo sum*
De eerste ronde van de verkiezingen voor de arbitragecommissie is nu
afgesloten. Er waren vijf geldige kandidaturen op het moment van de
afsluiting. De volgende gebruikers gaan daarom door naar de tweede ronde:
* Muijz
* Thoth
* Art Unbound
* Andre Engels
* Berkoet
De stemming over de kandidatuur van deze kandidaten is nu open en wordt
afgesloten op woensdag 14 november 2007 om 14:00 (Midden-Europese Tijd).
De stemming vindt plaats op de pagina:…
Met vriendelijke groeten