On Tue, Oct 28, 2008 at 5:22 PM, DESLIPPE, MICHAEL CIV DCMA CIV DFAS < MICHAEL.DESLIPPE@dfas.mil> wrote:
What is the proper protocol when authoring a page that has multiple references to the page. For example, if I was writing a page and it said:
The weather in the USA today is warm. The weather in the USA is
always warm this time of year. That's just the way it is in the USA.
That uses the acronym USA three times. Is the correct protocol to show all three occurrences as a link to the page on USA, or just the first occurrence of the acronym?
A rule of thumb may be: if you need to scroll the document to find the
wikilink, then duplicating it is a good solution. If you see the same link 10 times in the same screen, 8 are unnecessary and the 9th as well, probably