Mark Williamson wrote:
Yo creo que el problema con la gn.wp es que Hugo.arg no sabe hablar el guaraní. ¿Por qué otorgamos acceso administrativo a tales dictadores que no saben hablar el idioma local? Este chavo es un lituano que nunca ha viajado a Paraguay, Argentina, o Brasil, los cuales son los países donde se habla el idioma guaraní.
I think the problem with gn.wp is that Hugo.arg doesn't speak Guarani. Why do we grant administrative access to such dictators who don't even speak the local tongue? This guy is a Lithuanian who has never been to Paraguay, Argentina, or Brazil, which are the countries where Guarani is spoken.
Mark \
I believe he's discussing, and is complaining his templates have been deleted. Hugo.arg, who does not in fact, speak Guarani seems to have in spite of that deficiency done a great deal of work in making the Guarani Wikipedia grow.
Here is where he earned the rights from two community members...(including Kanon6917 who happens to live in Lima and speaks a small bit of Querana)
Anyway, Richard, if there is a serious dispute with Hugo.arg, you should bring it to meta:RFC.