On 28/01/2008, Ronald Chmara ron@opus1.com wrote:
If Yitzhak *wants* to be litigious, I suggest he look at the en [[WP:SCN]] team, where the crew works in the constant threat of litigation.
That's exactly the reason that it bothers me so much: I happen to be one of the main editors of the Hebrew article about Scientology. I received praise for it from sources that have nothing to do with Wikipedia.
I also received personal communication from Israeli Scientology employees. They weren't direct legal threats, but they included requests to change the article according to their sources. I politely refused, explaining that i cite sources which i believe to be fair, independent and correct (a lot of Roy Wallis and very little xenu.net, if you know what i mean.)
Now Scientology Israel will see that Amnon Yitzhak's lawyers succeeded very easily at removing an article with all its older versions, just by sending a _very_ vague letter. So they can do the same, flushing down the drain my integrity and the years that i invested in researching this subject.
Put another way, we let the crazies hoist themselves with their own petards.
Less work for us that way.
I agree about the PR value - but do we still have to delete the article and give up our integrity after just one feeble letter?