Note: '^' means "start of word", and "$" end of word, and the rules are intended to be applied from top to bottom to reduce ambiguity.
â = î (all occurances of â in a latin text can be treated as if they were î during conversion) гю <-> ghiu кю <-> chiu гя <-> ghia кя <-> chia ге <-> ghe ги <-> ghi ын <- îin ым <- îim ии <-> iii$ ий$ <-> ii$ я <-> ^ia ая <-> aia ия <-> iia ыя <-> îia уя <-> uia ея <-> eia оя <-> oia эя <-> ăia ия <-> ia$ ю <-> ^iu аю <-> aiu ию <-> iiu ыю <-> îiu ую <-> uiu ею <-> eiu ою <-> oiu эю <-> ăiu е <-> ^ie ае <-> aie ие <-> iie ые <-> îie уе <-> uie ее <-> eie ое <-> oie эе <-> ăie айо <-> aio ийо <-> iio ыйо <-> îio уйо <-> uio ейо <-> eio ойо <-> oio эйо <-> ăio ке <-> che ки <-> chi ча <-> cea чю <-> ciu ӂа <-> gea ӂю <-> giu че$ <-> ce чи$ <-> ci ай$ <-> ai$ ый$ <-> îi$ уй$ <-> ui$ ей$ <-> ei$ ой$ <-> oi$ эй$ <-> ăi$ ь$ <-> i$ ӂе <-> ge ӂи <-> gi ч <-> ci я <-> ea а <-> a б <-> b в <-> v г <-> g д <-> d е <-> e ж <-> j з <-> z и <-> i к <-> c л <-> l м <-> m н <-> n о <-> o п <-> p р <-> r с <-> s т <-> t у <-> u ф <-> f х <-> h ц <-> ț ш <-> ș ы <-> î ь <-> ʼ э <-> ă
End of table.
Unfortunately, that will leave a lot of words spelt incorrectly. For example, the word "crea" should be "креа" and not "кря" because of syllabification; same for a few other words. Another inconsitent rule is that "obiect" should be "обьект" rather than "обиект", also for quite a few other words again because of its pronunciation.
See, Cyrillic writing for Moldovan is very phonetic. How you pronounce something changes how you write it. Romanian writing, on the other hand, is a bit more loosely phonetic, and seems unconcerned with distinctions between the different "i" sounds for example, or with writing words differently based on syllable rules.
Another *huge* problem is names. Romanian and Moldovan names should convert just fine, but other names are a problem. What about "Mihail Sergheievici Gorbaciov"? That should be converted as "Михаил Сергеевич Горбачев" (I think; it might be ~чиов). Or what about "chabad"? That should be "хабад", not "кхабад".