Thought this might be of interest to those of you who are Firefox/Greasemonkey users. With the help of Stefan Magdalinski, who wrote the original WikiProxy for the BBC News site (www.wikiproxy.org http://www.wikiproxy.org/ ), I wrote a Greasemonkey script that adds links to Wikipedia to every page that you visit. It uses a simple algorithm to guess which terms on the page might be in Wikipedia and confirms these using a web service. The effect is quite cool. it's as if every page on the web linked carefully to all the relevant Wikipedia articles.
You can download the script here if you want to try it out: http://wikiproxy.whitelabel.org/greasemonkey.html. There is some more discussion on my blog: http://www.allpeers.com/blog/?p=165 and http://www.allpeers.com/blog/?p=167.
Note that you need the latest version of Greasemonkey (http://greasemonkey.mozdev.org/) for this to work.