I'm backing Sabine on this one. Recipes are culture (unless we're talking about anglo countries - where it is perhaps a little bit murkier - where tasteless hegemony is the norm - where the confluence of globalisation, commercial imperatives, mass marketing and isolationism has enabled people to believe they are eating food when they purchase something shrivelled up sitting in a baie marie in a well known chain store - and maybe that's the real source of this debate).
People want to put up whole articles on individual pokemon cards, but I can' t tell the world about that great Sicilian dish: arancini - that this is their idea of take away food - imagine - arancini vs a Big Mac - and you don't want to get a sense of that? You don't want to know that you need to add some saffron to get that unique colour and subtle, mysterious flavour. That you really need to deep fry them, a microwave just won't cut it. The fillings are as myriad and complex as the people themselves. For optimum results, make your own bread crumbs - you don't know how to? hopefully an article will tell you about this lost skill/art. Should we add parmesan or pecorino? Don't worry, there should be another article explaining the difference.
If you don't know what arancini are - have a look here:
Alas, it's lacking some key info - but it is an important an article as reading about Terry Wallace. Don't know who he is? There's an article on him in en:wiki. I'm perfectly comfortable with that, but surely recipes are equally deserving of attention. Bon appititu!
pippu d'angelo
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