On 4/21/05 10:01 AM, "Alphax" alphasigmax@gmail.com wrote:
The Cunctator wrote:
On 4/21/05 3:28 AM, "Mark Williamson" node.ue@gmail.com wrote:
On 20/04/05, The Cunctator cunctator@kband.com wrote:
On 4/20/05 12:12 AM, "Mark Williamson" node.ue@gmail.com wrote:
You guys make Larry into a greedy, despicable man who has hated Wikipedia all along but stuck with it because it was profitable, and since then has done everything in his power to bring about its destruction. According to you guys, he also walks around telling people how he started Wikipedia, and cackling maniacally at the end of every other sentence.
I'd love to see references for the above claims (inferences?). I think you might be distorting what other people have said.
It's very simple. Just ask somebody who uses this list and has a g-mail account to search for "sanger" or "larry".
Of course, what I said is exaggerating a little, but not a lot - it really does sound like that except perhaps the cackling part.
Okay--you've got a gmail account. Would you do the search?
I have both a gmail account and access to a text dump of the list - what should I search for? I'm curious what you think we'll find.
According to Mark W., if you search for "sanger" or "larry", you should find people calling or implying that Sanger is a "greedy, despicable man who has hated Wikipedia all along but stuck with it because it was profitable, and since then has done everything in his power to bring about its destruction."
I'm interested in seeing if the above claim is accurate.