I wasn't concerned specifically about napalm. It's just one evil weapon among others. Fahrenheit 9/11 is about more than just napalm. Ec
Jens Ropers wrote:
Huh? There's no mention of napalm in there at all AFAICT? I'm not saying it's a bad document, it's just not at all about the napalm issue.
-- ropers
On 25 Sep 2004, at 08:40, Ray Saintonge wrote:
Jens Ropers wrote:
No, I don't want you to apologize for publicly insulting me. I want you to do something else instead: Watch a film that actually contains footage of a U.S. soldier mentioning napalm use in Iraq and shows actual napalm inflicted wounds. Watch Fahrenheit 9/11 and I'll be happy to call it quits between us.
Or if you want something with less showmanship than what Moore tends to exhibit try http://csis.org/features/040922_IraqiMinisterVisit.pdf for an analysis of the current situation in Iraq.