On Sat, 16 Oct 2004 22:55:00 +1000, Tim Starling ts4294967296@hotmail.com wrote:
In the real root directory there's symlinks to images in the other directories, apparently left there to avoid breaking URLs used in an earlier version of the software. Obviously tar has converted them from symlinks to duplicates. You can delete them.
Perhaps tar could be told to --exclude these, so they don't take up everyone's space and bandwidth - from my glance at 'info tar', something like this might do it:
tar --no-wildcards-match-slash --exclude "*.*"
(I know it looks like "exclude everything", but I'm assuming none of the directories will have a . in the middle of their names, and that first argument should be pretty self-explanatory...)
Of course, for all I know, there's stuff in that root that *is* useful in the tar-ball, in which case the appropriate args may be a lot more complex.