Wiki is supposed to be easy to edit. Having markup like the following is going to be very off-putting to most users, and not only to newcomers.
{-en-us " en-gb '-}IBM {-en-us has en-gb have-} announced that {-en-us ' en-gb "-}{-en-us eggplant en-gb aubergine-} should be {-en-us spelled en-gb spelt-} with one g like {-en-us garbage en-gb rubbish-}, {-en-us analog en-gb analogue-}{-en-us , en-gb -} and {-en-us gray en-gb grey-}{-en-us '. en-gb ."-}{-en-us " en-gb '-}
If the process was automated, problems would occur since you don't want the sentence appearing as IBM having commented on the spelling of aubergine when they haven't done so. An automated translation would also suggest the word "rubbish" was spelt with a "g". Many similar examples exist, such as "forward" which is sometimes "forwards" in British English, but not always, so this really can't be automated.
Bring in other forms of English and the problem gets even more complicated. Should we really have {-en-au Zucchini en-nz Courgette en-us Zucchini en-gb Courgette en-ca Zucchini-}?
{-en-gb Angela}