On 30 Sep 2003 21:23:00 +0200, Till Westermayer till@tillwe.de gave utterance to the following:
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . till we *) . . .
Hi Andre,
thanks for pointing that out. If this is really the case, I also propose a recount (how should one now that ~~~~ between == don't work?!). (IIRC, I came back from holiday just before the voting period ended and didn't check if my vote was counted)
Well that's three users who were qualified to vote who missed out for technical reasons. I signed the same way, but the page never reloaded full (the server was down for the next hour or two, and by the time I managed to get back to W the next day, voting was done and dusted.
This probably isn't going to affect first place, but may well swap 2nd and 3rd.