. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . till we *) . . .
Hi tarquin,
A design commitee would be a good idea for the future, to handle skins & logos.
I nominate Gutza! I *REALLY* like this logo: http://meta.wikipedia.org/upload/8/81/Wikipedia-sketch-tillwe_Gutz a01.png
I think it's really neat!
I like it too, but I don't think it would be a good logo (too much depth, too much realism, too much 3d). But the puzzle piece could become a Wikipedia mascot (especially if the PM logo will end as the final ratified logo). __ . / / / / ... Till Westermayer - till we *) . . . mailto:till@tillwe.de . www.westermayer.de/till/ . icq 320393072 . Habsburgerstr. 82 . 79104 Freiburg . 0761 55697152 . 0160 96619179 . . . . .