Here's the comment I had on the discussion page (of course, my definition was deleted)
Not deletes, but moved to talk page
Is it a proper way to talk to people ?
It's not worst than stimulate the racism
But french people consider the word don't exist, they insult me, and delete my article
The word DON'T exist in french. That don't mean the theory don't exist. I wrote an article on that don't you see it ?
But, it is the definition that is on Wikipédia now.
False. Look at this page :
I don't know if people other then french speak french here. But, if they do, can they give their advice please ?
Good advice : Stop to bug us. There are several racist homepage where you can wrote your theory.
I think it is totally untrue that wikipedia is neutral. It is not. Unless you do something, and tell them not to delete what I write. I tried to merge my texte and their texte, but they deleted mine again.
Neutral don't mean to say all theories are right.