The Cunctator wrote:
Axel Boldt wrote:
Imran Ghory wrote:
How do you measure the importance of someone ?
Like I just did: a person is unimportant if his or her biography is interesting/useful to almost no one.
What's your quantifiable metrics of "interesting", "useful", and "almost no one"?
Not that we could ever measure this in practice with any precision, but for a definition that we could officially attempt to estimate: Ask each person to rank, on a percentage scale, to what degree they find the biography interesting and useful. Average these, and you have a percentage measure of importance.
I'd say that we should try to stick to important people now, gradually adding the less important as we grow to insane size; this is what I think that we should do in *every* field. We cover the basics first; we eventually cover everything.
-- Toby