On mar, 2002-05-28 at 12:49, lcrocker@nupedia.com wrote:
The intended functionality (and what should be the current functionality of http://www.piclab.com/newwiki/wiki.phtml) is this:
If they have entered an email address for their account, their password can be sent to that address (in plain text).
As I see it there are three options:
(2) Change the feature to "email me a new password". Passwords will be encrypted, and when the user forgets his, the system will create a new random password and email _that_. The user will then log and change his password (hopefully to something he can remember).
I rather thought that's what was meant by "email my password"... E-mailing the *existing unchanged* password strikes me as a highly unusual practice.
-- brion vibber (brion @ pobox.com)