How wiki work:
Edit this page --> generate a text plain
<user edit this page>
this text plain --> generate a html page
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Suggestions #3-A
#Bookmarks for Articles
Every page has a key called "add this item to your route" You can collect favorites pages with this.
Suggestions #3-B
Delphi app (writen by me) that hidden the fact you hare navigating a web page, and shows you a book view, with bookmarks tab, preloading, etc... GPL. I will release the source code soon in my berlios ftp space... (maybe)
Suggestions #3-C
A way to attach a style CCS file to the page. Ex: "<#CSS MathPage>"
Suggestions #3-D
A way to aply and code a template por wiki pages: "<#TEMPLATE DuneBookCharecters>"
1 saludo Tei (RatBert)
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