On Sunday 25 August 2002 05:33 pm, you wrote:
What about articles that have copyright violations in their history? I recently found the source for two articles that were copied verbatim from other websites. [[Miyuki]] can go poof, as far as I'm concerned (it's a bead seller's account of a trip to a bead plant, and the article's an orphan), but [[Guru Granth Sahib]] is important. Is there a way to remove the violation from the sikhuence of versions while keeping the rest?
Yes I have mentioned this as a feature request before -- although I can't remember if it is on sourceforge or not.
We are still technically violating copyright law by having this material in the page's history so I say providing an interface for sysops to delete a revision is a fairly high priority.
BTW, would a database query of "copyright violation" bring back all revisions and edit summaries that have this string in it?
PS - I'm also beggining to loose track of all the questions and answers of the various strings on this mailing list. A Slashcode implementation may be better for the mailing list real soon.
-- Daniel Mayer (aka mav)