Stephen Gilbert wrote:
--- Daniel Mayer wrote:
On Saturday 10 August 2002 10:15 am, Hr. Daniel Mikkelsen wrote:
When someone makes a GUI frontend to Wikipedia, those features will become more sophisticated (wysiwyg).
Blasphemy! GUI? WYSIWYG? Now that would be unwiki.
Seriously; one of the reasons why we are successful is because there is a bit of a learning curve to being a contributor (small, but it is there). I hate to say it, but this small learning curve acts as a kind of filter against those that have nothing but incoherent and random nonsense to "contribute".
Ward Cunningham, the founder of Wiki, says on WhyWikiWorks ( "Wiki is not WYSIWYG (WhatYouSeeIsWhatYouGet). It's an intelligence test of sorts to be able to edit a wiki page. It's not rocket science, but it doesn't appeal to the VideoAddicts. If it doesn't appeal, they don't participate, which leaves those of us who read and write to get on with rational discourse."
I think he's probably right. We should remember that one of the reasons why Wikipedia has been successful while other encyclopedia projects have not is the wiki way of contributing.
I think he is dead wrong. Graphics has been at the fore front of computer development because it is so critical to effective presentation and assimilation of information.
The sections on engineering and technology are not going to improve very fast until we have some type of easy graphics markup for at least diagrams.
Alternatively, I guess we can write some excellent procedures up coaching random drop in technologists who are not computer wizards (there are many in various engineering fields) in how to create png files from diagrams.
A problem with this approach is that we lose the wiki way of contributing that you refer too. Each graphic is a unique work of art and a complete production task in and of itself.
SVG may be a partial or complete solution for this, I have not checked on it for a while.
I am unfamiliar with LaTex, does it do diagrams as part of its typesetting?
I think a lot of people will put up with text wiki currently because of the obvious value of collaboration on the internet. Collaborate with a distributed team of self selected interesting and interested people once and publish it to the entire internet. This is a powerful draw that outweighs the definate drawback of returning to primitive text editors.
If we want to attract specialists to help us improve our content quality and depth we can probably do so by improving our graphics collaboration tools.
Axel, Jan and some others have been after LaTex. Why? Because it greatly improves their efficiency and capability of presentation.
Engineers need diagrams, sketches and drawings. Organic Chemists need molecular diagrams. MDs need anatomical graphics, overlays, Generals need maps. Animation is useful at times .... no I do not know how to allow casual dropins to tweak an animation clip.
Maybe as we expand we will have sub communities evolve around special skillsets and use of appropriate tools.
Encarta was multimedia a decade ago.
It is my prediction that the first simple to start using WYSIWYG (WhatYouSeeIsWhatYouGet) Wiki will leave all others in the dust.
My opinion is based upon memories of the transitions: Wordstar to WordPerfect (preview what you get before printing) WordPerfect to Word (WYSIWYG)
I know of no word processor user who ever looked back after the ability to see before printing and then see onscreen as you work arrived.
As would recommend ... Don't Panic!
We do not need all these whiz bang tools right away to get started but it is worth keeping in mind that we will/may need them eventually to remain competitive or viable.
regards, mirwin