On Sat, Aug 03, 2002 at 10:05:58AM +0200, Jan Hidders wrote:
On Sat, Aug 03, 2002 at 01:17:19AM +0200, Jens Frank wrote:
- This misuse of namespaces does not look very 'wiki'. $ ... $ and $$ ... $$ look more similar to ''...'' and '''...'''.
Yes, but $ is already commonly used, so you need a more rare combination like [$ ... $] and [$$ ... $$]. That also brings across more the include-aspect of the thing.
I just took a look at MathML. May I assume that we are not wanting to write MathML to enter formulas instead of something TeXish?
Last time this was discussed most people felt that MathML was too hard to read and write. There are already some packages to translate TeX to MathML. See:
However, I don't know to what extent these are really "production ready".
I took a deeper look at MathML today. One thing seems to be a showstopper in the Moment: For Mozilla to render the MathML extensions the page must have Content-Type "text/xml" instead of "text/html". But in XML many of our pages are not valid, e.g. a line break has to be coded as <BR> in XML instead of <br> in HTML. Mozilla's parser will stop and create an error message as soon as it finds an unmatched tag like <br>.