I responded to tc directly concerning Thu, 11 Apr 2002 10:55:50 -0500 (CDT) email. Much apologies to the mailing list for turning it into a Slashdot forum.
Same for me. I meant to send my message directly to maveric.
Of course, if this really were a Slashdot forum, one of use would have mentioned hot grits by now.
Getting back on topic, one thing I've noticed which is not a serious problem but could become one is that the developer group de facto determines what changes are made to the Wikipedia software. More specifically, if two people each have a pet bug they think needs to be fixed, and one person is a developer and one isn't, the developer's pet bug will be fixed.
Same thing for feature requests.
Note: this is not a major deal, since most of the time the consensus problems are worked on, and the benefits of a volunteer developer community are great, etc. I consider this a molehill, not a mountain.
But I think we should keep this in mind as we grow, since as the community and Wikipedia gets larger, it's important to be aware of sources of invisible decision-making.
--tc cunctator@kband.com