Laura T. wrote:
Why is there a debate about using/ having linkbacks?
We are releasing the content of the Wikipedia under an open license, the GNU FDL. We have not previously been clear enough about exactly how people who want to copy our material are expected to behave. We are trying to clarify this.
Also, why 2 sites, or 2 encyclopedias? My impression of them is Wikipedia is the "everyman's" encyclopedia and Nupedia is for the university elite. I looked at being a writer there but I really felt I wouldn't be welcome since I'm just a college graduate of a two year program for corporate communications.
Nupedia was started first, and is extremely high quality in the limited content that it does produce. After a year or so of working on Nupedia, Larry had the idea to use Wiki software for a separate project specifically for people like you (and me!) who are intimidated and bored (sorry, Nupedia!) with the tedium of the process.
As it turns out, Wikipedia is dramatically more successful on some measures, and Nupedia is dramatically more successful on some other measures. It is my personal expectation that in the future, Nupedia will end up using (somehow) content from Wikipedia as a foundation for an "academically respectable" project.
The main thing about Wikipedia is that it is fun and addictive. :-)
Curiousity killed the cat, its a good thing I'm a dragon. ;)
Indeed, it is a good thing, then.