Tim Chambers tbchambers@yahoo.com writes:
Television (band), Nirvana (band) and Catatonia (band) are all better page titles.
Why are they better? Are they even demonstrably different besides being (a) harder to type (b) Unimplemented
[[Baseball/History]] (especially from [[Baseball/World Series]]...)
[[History of Baseball]]
as is [[Baseball History]]
and [[Baseball World Series]] are synonymous.
Similarly /Talk pages are great...
But the separate talk: namespace is even better.
I must admit I haven't been following this. What would replace [[World War II/Talk]] ?
I think the concept of subpages is flawed in an encyclopedia. Why limit ourselves to a primitive hierarchical structure?
Why limit ourselves to a flat non-structure?
Eliminating subpages paves the way for the implementation of even better navigation features.
I don't see how subpages affect this one way or the other.
any page with "baseball" in the title would get a link to the [[Baseball]] article, and the [[Baseball]] article would list links to all the other baseball articles.
I don't think this is dependent on the elimination of subpages one way or the other...