Thanks very much, Jason!
----- Original Message ----- From: "Jason Richey" To: Sent: Wednesday, August 15, 2001 2:44 PM Subject: Re: Re: [Wikipedia-l] Wikipedia teamwork
There is now a tarball of each of the wiki sites that are running as "Wikipedia". Go to the homepage to find the link, or go to the downloads directly at These are just tarballs of the entire directory that the sites are served from.
Jason wrote:
Bryce (just realized that I had replied just to you rather than the list): I sympathize, but posting on this list frankly isn't going to get anything done. I do only a little work directly on the server; Jason's the man who will have to do this, if this or something like it is what we'll end up doing, exactly. What Jason might not know (so, I've cc'd him) is how seriously you all take this. I certainly would like to see Wikipedia's content easily useable--it will get a lot of new links back to Wikipedia and it will indeed make the project more credible, as someone very correctly said. I have wanted this to be done for months, but, well--our programmers are very busy with projects that actually make money. :-/
You Wrote:
I think what people are trying to politely say is that you may be in violation of your license...
My suggestion to get around this with a minimum of time expended
be to set up a cron job to tarball the wiki databases once a week.
Login as www-data or nobody or root or whomever $ crontab -e 0 5 * * 0 /usr/local/bin/tarball_wiki # Weekly Sunday 5am tarball
#!/bin/sh ## tarball_wiki script tar cf /tmp/wiki.tar /home/www-data/wiki_db /home/www-data/cgi-
gzip /tmp/wiki.tar rm -f /home/www-data/html/wiki.tar.gz mv /home/www-data/html/wiki.tar.gz /home/www-data/html/wiki-
mv /tmp/wiki.tar /home/www-data/html/wiki.tar.gz
This will keep the current plus previous week's tarball. Obviously, you'll have to fiddle the paths to match however your
is organized. You might need to add some chmod/chown commands if
you do
this as a user other than the web user.
Anyway, IANAL, but I think this little script would get you off the
regarding the transparency issue.
On Wed, 15 Aug 2001 wrote:
I agree completely as well. You all must realize, though, that
amount of (expensive) paid programming labor Bomis can devote to useful and even essential features like this is less than we would all like. It would be ideal if some programmers would step up to
plate and actually help bring some of these proposals into being.
for one would be absolutely delighted.
You Wrote:
On Tue, Aug 14, 2001 at 09:56:47AM +0200, Robert Bihlmeyer wrote:
Jan Hidders writes:
> Because the GFDL allows you to download everything and start
your own
> server.
Well the GFDL also wants transparent copy to be easily
available. I
don't consider spidering wikipedia to be an option open to
the "man
from the street".
FWIW I certainly agree with that, and there should certainly be
way to download the complete Wikipedia. So you can also add
my "pretty
please" :-)
-- Jan Hidders
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-- "Jason C. Richey"
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