Gerard Meijssen wrote:
Ray, My point today was that it would be good if all wiktionarie are converted to UTF-8. When you read what was said by Tim Starling, it refers to UTF-8. That you think that I winge is beside the point, the point is that UTF-8 will solve issues. My alphabet soup I acquired the hard way, I worked for it and it allows me to say things from experience about maintaining data in an IT environment..
If you want to discuss anything meaningfull, talk about UTF-8. The rest is bullshit. Argument for: it eases programming and maintenance. It allows for the creation of articles with names like ჰოლანდიური or ភាសាហុលឍង់េដ or 네델란드어. The only drawback is that these characters will not be seen in an URL.
Please be constructive and keep to what is at issue. If you think conversion to UTF-8 is not a good move, let us please know why not.
Thanks, GerardM
Nobody is seriously arguing against UTF-8, so please don't make up a story about my being against it. Just curb your impatience.
UTF-8 was not mentioned in Tim's comments. Do I need to qute his entire comment for you to understand that? My complaint is about a discussion on one subject which is hijacked to pretend to be something completely different.