*Apologies for cross-posting*
On September 23-24-25, the Multilingual Linked Open Data for Enterprises Workshop(MLODE) will happen in Leipzig, Germany and is co-located with SABRE and the Leipziger Semantic Web Day. Please find all information here: http://sabre2012.infai.org/mlode
News * See the people attending the conference in our people viewer (add yourself, if you are attending) -http://mlode.nlp2rdf.org/people/view.html * In parallel to the code-a-thon there will be an Apache Stanbol and Linked Media Framework Tutorial from 9 am to 12:30 pm (please join no later than 10 am) and a LOD2 Stack Tutorial at 2 pm - http://wiki.aksw.org/Events/2012/LeipzigerSemanticWebDay/Tutorien * Twitter tag #mlode * Program published -http://tinyurl.com/mlode-schedule * Please apply for lightning talks here: mlode2012 -at- lists.informatik.uni-leipzig.de * Don't forget to send your submission of the Monnet Challenge John McCrae - to win up to 600 Euro -http://sabre2012.infai.org/mlode/monnet-challenge * Code-a-thon: We will provide support and assistance for developers new to RDF * If you arrive on Sunday, you can join us for the zero day, where we brainstorm for the code-a-thon: Leipziger Zoo at 10 am and the bar Kicker IN at 7 pm * The workshop is accompanied by data post proceeding Special Issue in the Semantic Web Journal - http://www.semantic-web-journal.net/blog/call-multilingual-linked-open-data-...
We would like to thank our sponsors for supporting the workshop: * The Working MultilingualWeb-LT Working Group - http://www.w3.org/International/multilingualweb/lt/ * The Interactive Knowledge Stack (IKS) EU Research Project - http://www.iks-project.eu/ * The Monnet Project -http://www.monnet-project.eu/
We all hope to see you there, Sebastian Hellmann and Steven Moran on behalf of the whole MLODE organisation committee