Hoi, At the moment we are preparing for the moment where WiktionaryZ becomes editable. Technically a lot of work is done and has been done on the Wikidata end to make this happen. For those people who are interested in it, a tarbal with the latest software and data is available at http://epov.org/wd-gemet.tgz It comes with the basic information you need to start writing your own scripts for when you want to import your own data.
When WZ becomes editable we will be in a pre-alpha stage. We are looking for people who are willing to help us test and build the environment. We will start with a truly limited group of people and we will slowly increase its size.
When you are interested, we want you to create a user and provide us with your Babel information .. only language info ! We are working on standardising the templates, Gangleri has done a lot of work to make sure that languages like Farsi are readable in the templates.
We have started with the basic infrastructure to allow for Portals for each language. The idea is to have information about a language on the Portal in that language. At this moment we start the page by showing what the templates for that language look like. We invite everyone to check the text of the templates. It should be a good text in that language.
The levels of proficiency are from 1 to 5 . We assume that there is no point in informing the world that you have no knowledge of each language. So we do not have a level 0. When people inform us that they are professionally using a language, it will be appreciated to be informed on the user page what the profession is.
When the software allows for edits and additions, the first content that we are interested in is to have the swadesh list for all languages. This will be an interesting project because this has to be done with the concepts of WiktionaryZ in mind. The swadesh list as published is a list of expressions, this means that we should allow for all expressions and their DefinedMeaning for all languages.. The point of this exercise is that people will have to work together. Because of the multilingual nature of this project it will prove interesting to see how well we manage.
Thanks, GerardM