For the method that is being develloped on nl:wiktionary, the method of identifying if existing words are capitalised or not, can be done by the defenition of the word; as a word can exist in a language both capitalised and not, we write the word in bold to start with, then the gender, the translation, then the explanation.
This was done to reflect the impossibility to create words in lower case. As all words start off identifying the language, we can have many defenitions on the same page.
One problem is when a word has _many_ translations. 40 is not rare. I think it would be good for a user when he can state what languages to include and what languages to exclude in the presentation of translations.
Thanks, GerardM
Gerard.Meijssen wrote:
For the method that is being develloped on nl:wiktionary, the method of identifying if existing words are capitalised or not, can be done by the defenition of the word; as a word can exist in a language both capitalised and not, we write the word in bold to start with, then the gender, the translation, then the explanation.
This was done to reflect the impossibility to create words in lower case. As all words start off identifying the language, we can have many defenitions on the same page.
The layout of articles has nothing to do with it. Repeating the word in each section is only a temporary work-around while we wait for the bug that forces the first letter of a title to be capitalized. to be fixed.
Ray Saintonge wrote:
Gerard.Meijssen wrote:
For the method that is being develloped on nl:wiktionary, the method of identifying if existing words are capitalised or not, can be done by the defenition of the word; as a word can exist in a language both capitalised and not, we write the word in bold to start with, then the gender, the translation, then the explanation.
This was done to reflect the impossibility to create words in lower case. As all words start off identifying the language, we can have many defenitions on the same page.
The layout of articles has nothing to do with it. Repeating the word in each section is only a temporary work-around while we wait for the bug that forces the first letter of a title to be capitalized. to be fixed.
In fact, this is one of the things that are being taken care of the same way between the English and Dutch Wiktionaries. It is a workaround we started to apply because of the undesirable functionality of the Wikipedia software. We should be glad there is a developer who wants to finally solve this problem, instead of opposing the change.