SEMANTiCS 2016 - The Linked Data Conference Workshops, Tutorials and the DBpedia Day
12th International Conference on Semantic Systems Leipzig, Germany September 12 -15, 2016 _
*Workshops/Tutorials *
This year's SEMANTiCS is starting on September 12th with a full day of exciting and interesting satellite events. In _6 parallel tracks_ scientific and industrial workshops and tutorials are scheduled to provide a forum for groups of researchers and practitioners to discuss and learn about hot topics in Semantic Web research.
Attending the SEMANTiCS workshops and tutorial is _free of charge_, but you need to register. Feel free to have a closer look and register for the events here: _
*DBpedia Day - Call for Participation *
Following our successful meetings in Europe & US our next DBpedia meeting will be held at Leipzig on September 15th, co-located with SEMANTiCS.
- Keynote #1: Wikidata: bringing structured data to Wikipedia with 16000 volunteers by Lydia Pintscher, product manager of Wikidata
- Keynote #2: Harald Sack, (title TBA) (Hasso-Plattner-Institut)
- A session for the “_DBpedia references and citations challenge_”
- A _session on DBpedia ontology_ by members of the DBpedia ontology committee
- Tell us what cool things you do with DBpedia:
- As always, there will be tutorials to learn about DBpedia and a DBpedia showcase session
_Quick facts_
- Web URL: _
- When: September 15th, 2016
- Where: University of Leipzig, Augustusplatz 10, 04109 Leipzig
- Call for Contribution: _ (submission form)
- Registration: Free to participate but only through registration (Option for DBpedia support tickets)
We are looking forward to your contributions and to seeing you at the SEMANTiCS in Leipzig!