Hi, Wiktionary and mobile communities!
This is the undergrad team who's writing a Wiktionary app, based on the existing Wikipedia Android app. We're in the early phases right now and are aiming to have an app ready to use by April.
We're currently listing and assigning features and tracking bugs on this wiki page: http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Wiktionary_Mobile_App_Feature_List
We're in the process of getting a Bugzilla component, but until then, please post your feature requests on that page.
If you'd like to have a look or try it out, our repository for the project is currently at: https://github.com/pfhayes/WiktionaryMobile though that may change.
All the best, UCOSP Team: Tony Cheng, University of Toronto Shealen Clare, University of British Columbia Patrick Hayes, University of Waterloo Dale Lemieux, University of Waterloo https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/UCOSP_Spring_2012