Jimmy Wales wrote:
rb_wiktionary@boult.mailshell.com wrote:
From what little I have learned so far of this idea, including the complete lack of communication with the user community, the idea of introducing a new more technical Ultimate Wiktionary sounds like a disaster waiting to happen.
Well, I think we can avert disaster now that everyone is talking. I did not personally realize that people weren't fully informed about this -- that's my own fault.
There's no need to blame yourself on this one. Gerard did raise his idea some time ago, although someone like rb didn't come onto the scene until later, and was bound to find this more alarming than I. This doesn't mean that I agree with or even understand all of Gerard's proposal. It's a fact of life that new technical proposals are constantly being raised. Our developers know to exercise caution before giving them the green light, and you should not be put in a position to approve things before their time. Let's just say that Gerard's promotional claims have run far ahead of his technical developments.