Hi all, First, I would like to congrat for all your marvellous work. I need some help with the wiktionary extraction framework. I tried to run the wiktionary extraction framework for the greek language as per your instructions here http://wiki.dbpedia.org/Wiktionary, updated java jdk to 1.7, etc. I have changed the configuration in config.preperties to language el, config.xml to language el, and made a file config-el.xml with all the appropriate mappings, based on the config-en.xml. I downloaded the dump from http://dumps.wikimedia.org/elwiktionary/20121029/elwiktionary-20121029-pages... is the newest elwiktionary dump. I put the file unziped in the folder wiktionaryDumpa as metioned in the instructions, and after prompt during the compilation of the code, i moved it to wiktionaryDump/elwitkionary/20121029/ . The program seems to run, but after 5(!!!) days, even if during mvn scala:run showed the triples on the screen it didn't outputed any file!!! So where is the triples?Or, is there any spesific configuration i mistook and should change? I also tried the binary provided on the project homepage but nothing seems to be happen even for the default configuration and test dump.
Thank you in advance. Looking forward for your reply.
Kind Regards Karampatakis Sotiris