Hoi, The conjugsation of verbs is not my favourite subject; I can remember how I hated my grammar lessons in secondary school .. Anyway, when working on a dictionary they have to be treated with equal attention as nouns or what have you.
On several wiktionaries, some brilliant people have created templates to create beautifull list of all the forms that a verb can have in a language. I have been busy copying them to the nl:wiktionary and to, as we say in Dutch, "make some chocolate out of it". After some consultation with others, I came up with the following modus operandi.
*The name of a template has to indicate which language it is about. *The text of the template is completely in the language that the verb is in. *The grammatical terms are wikis and they translate the word to the local language. *The explanation of a grammatical term is best kept in the wikipedia
I have been busy creating the texts for the grammar terms in the nl:wiktionary; I have copied them to other wiktionaries as well like es and it. It would really help if the terms were defined in the local language and, if I had more translations for these terms.
An example of a template I have been working on: http://es.wiktionary.org/wiki/Plantilla:W.es.v.conj.zar from the Spanish wiktionary. http://it.wiktionary.org/wiki/Template:it-conj-reg-are-avere from the Italian wiktionary
Thanks, GerardM