- Does not let me edit.
- Does not link to Wiktionary to let people edit.
Editing should happen on Wiktionary and I will add a link to it. I just could not decide how to add the links in every case, yet. When you have a en->de translation, the translation entry could be in the en Wiktionary or the de Wiktionary or in both. The best solution I've found so far is to link to the en Wiktionary on the one side and the de Wiktionary on the other side. But that could lead to non-existent pages, which will probably confuse users who want to see all the details for that displayed translation. I'm not really happy with that.
- Does not show word meanings. Different meanings have different translations.
Yes, this should definitively be added. When first trying this, I had problems with the differences between different Wiktionaries, so I postponed to get the basics working first.
- Consider writing a "skin" for wiktionary.org itself. MediaWiki is quite extensible and I feel the potential is underused.
An interesting suggestion. I don't know much about MediaWiki, but I thought it would be impossible to show translations from many different pages with just a skin. Also, I could not find a way to search for translations well enough last time I looked. Generally, I had the impression that MediaWiki does not really understand the meaning of most of the page and treats it just as formatting, which limits what I can do in many ways.
Thanks for you feedback, Karl