(I'm cross posting to dbpedia-wiktionary@lists.sourceforge.net)
Hi Thomas, interesting, that you posted on this list. It is the discussion list list for Wiktionary in general. I did a mail count for this list for 2011 and this is the result: 29 mails total 11 were general announcements such as the Wikimania 10 were about Wiktionary issues 8 were about information extraction of Wiktionary (Mostly caused by us and the Wiktionary RDF Extraction announcement).
2010 looks similar.
I was wondering, if the extraction of data from Wiktionary could become a main topic on this list.
Shall we merge communities into this list?
1. There is a DBpedia Wiktionary to RDF list with 18 members here: https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/dbpedia-wiktionary
2. Then some people might join from http://linguistics.okfn.org/ http://lists.okfn.org/mailman/listinfo/open-linguistics This is a Working Group for Open Data in Linguistics and there are maybe 5-10 people there that are interested in extraction of structured data from Wiktionary.
3. People from many approaches such as http://code.google.com/p/wikokit/ (does not seem to have a mailing list) could be redirected here.
In the end all want to get structured data out of Wiktionary. If this would be possible, the number of Wiki editors would also increase.
What do you think? I am not sure about all ramification, but focusing all efforts on Wiktionary-l would be nice and would benefit Wiktionary. Sebastian
On 01/11/2012 03:50 PM, Thomas Schandl wrote:
I recently found your very interesting projects as I was looking for semantically rich dumps of Wiktionary, and I wanted to tell you about my use cases.
I work for the Semantic Web Company (we are also partners in the LOD2 project) and we have a term and phrase extractor, which we want to improve by enriching the extraction model with their various grammatical forms of the model's terms.
So additions we are most interested in are declinations, tenses and synonyms for German and English. Another use case would be to use Wiktionary data to suggest translations of controlled terms in a thesaurus. So the available translations would be great to have in RDF, too.
Best regards, Thomas