Hi All,
I am a CS grad student from Data Science Lab Stony Brookhttps://sites.google.com/site/datascienceslab/ and I am dropping this mail to request information about parsing multi-lingual Wiktionary data. Our lab has been using Wikipedia data for quite a while now but we are really interested in taking advantage of the massive Wiktionary content which we feel , after proper parsing, can become an rich muti-language corpus.
But the big hurdle is a parsing tool. We have tried a few Wiktionary parsing tools
1. https://github.com/clbecker/perl-wiktionary-parser/
2. https://code.google.com/p/wikokit/wiki/GettingStartedWiktionaryParser
3. https://github.com/benreynwar/wiktionary-parser/tree/master/wiktionary_parse...
4. http://www.ukp.tu-darmstadt.de/software/jwktl/
but none of them are available in a ready-to-use or easy-to-extend in multiple language mode. (I am currently trying to work with wikokit (parser 2 above) )
I request for some advice, suggestion or redirection towards best available Wiktionary parser. We are mainly looking to extract meanings, POS, examples, translations etc. (more can never hurt).
Any help is appreciated. Kindly let know if further information is needed.