Hi there,The Wiktionary logo 2009 refresh has been going on for a while now, and as the logo submissions have been made, the voting will start soon. Please visit meta:Wiktionary/logo/refresh#Votinghttp://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wiktionary/logo/refresh#Voting for a discussion about the voting, and participate when the voting actually starts at meta:Wiktionary/logo/refresh/votinghttp://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wiktionary/logo/refresh/voting. Also, as is said on the discussion page, we need people to notify all the major Wiktionaries of the vote. Help would be much appreciated.
And... could someone in charge please show up and help with the vote? We have a feeling that the 2009 refresh is being 'abandoned'. ===================== YANG Xudong (Wyvernoid) The amateurs built the boat. The professionals built the Titanic.