If it helps any, here is the translation of the box one gets when one searches for "absentia", which does not yet exist in the Latin Wiktionary:
"Wiktionary does not yet have an article about "absentia", trying full text search. Do you wish to create a new article "absentia"? If you look at links to "absentia", maybe you will find out something about this word. Maybe there is an article "absentia" in other Wiktionaries: "absentia" in English | Polish | Dutch | German | French Wiktionary"
And the links, in order:
- to create a new article "absentia"
- view pages that link to "absentia"
- http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/absentia
- http://pl.wiktionary.org/wiki/absentia
- http://nl.wiktionary.org/wiki/absentia
- http://de.wiktionary.org/wiki/absentia
- http://fr.wiktionary.org/wiki/absentia
I include the link to "what links here" because usually words in Wiktionary are linked because they are being defined (e.g. in translations lists) or are used to define something else (in definitions of foreign words).
I do think now it'd be a better idea to link to the "Go" search instead of the article directly. Especially since users expect search to be case-insensitive and if e.g. "Absentia" is capitalized on a non-capitalizing wiktionary (if there is a German word "die Absentia", I suppose) the link to "absentia" will take them to an empty page, and not tell them that "Absentia" exists. I will change it tonight.
By the way, is there a list of wiktionaries by size? It might be most productive for the list of links to be to the five or so largest ones; I'm not sure whether these are those.
Thank you for the translation :-) this helps. I'll try to create this on the Italian wiktionary as well. If it doesn't work I'll ask (but it can take me some days to try out).
I also just had a look at the English version - there doesn't seem to be a list of the largest wiktionaries.
Linking to other search results would be OK, but not to another search window to be compiled - so if you think about a page that shows the different search results on other wiktionaries I think this would be OK, otherwise I prefer the link how you did it now.
I'm not sure I understand what is being said here. I can link to searches on other wiktionaries but I don't think I can display the search results all on the same page.
You understood it right - that's what I thought - you can only link to the search page, but not to the results - for now I would not use this option it would become too confusing. If one day we should have one huge database where all wiktionary interfaces retreive their data from, automatically the research will be easier as it can be carried out on the whole of the database.
Thank you!!
Ciao, Sabine